Watch Rickson teach a side control escape

Also watch his right hand shake a whole lot. A damn shame.

I don’t know. It’s not so bad. A lifetime of admirable devotion to his physical craft. Shaking hand is a bit like cauliflower ear. He’s put himself through the ringer for decades. If he can get around and enjoy life, he’s fine.

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Who knows. Maybe decent Parkingson’s treatments are in the pipeline somewhwere.

the escape itself looks a lot like whale tailing out of bottom north/south

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Christ, some of you guys will romanticize anything.

Especially since it’s not true when there have been guys coaching killers and keeping up with the modern game day in day out for 30 years like Fabio gurgel and liborio. Rickson couldn’t even be bothered to develop his own son, he was down in Brazil surfing, getting fucked up, and banging broads while his wife and family kept to their normal lives in the states.

That’s not a man I would want to be or be related to. If you can’t even tend to your most basic life responsibilities, I couldn’t give less of a shit about your supposed “aura”.


Sounds like you typical rock star or star athlete

Yeah, I just meant them trying to pretend Parkinson’s symptoms are like some kind of cool battle scar or akin to cauliflower ear.

I’m not interested in Rickson’s family shit, just laughing at BJJ goofs who even think the shakes are cool if Rickson has them. :rofl:

May they some day shake and tremble and probably need assistance with basic shit too.

This escape works great when the guy on top is on his knees and anchored, otherwise the momentum uint enough to reverse the position. But you can escape back to guard pretty easily if you can’t reverse them.