Week 2 NCAA picks

Stellar beginning for me this NCAA season. My picks posted here went 7-1, but I blew it this week on baseball . . . surprise, surprise!!

Not much going on this week as far as I'm concerned. Too early to lay any money on uncertainty. Here's 2 picks I think will come through:

MIA(OH)/Central MI OVER 53 -- 2 MAC teams are gonna blow it out on MIA's homecoming. Air Raid.

Va Tech -20.5 at Duke -- If this climbs to 21, I wouldn't bother, but VT seems to cover well in situations like this.

Missouri -10 -- should roll over New Mexico, but I'm not picking it officially.

What's everybody else got?

ND +7 1/2 , Maryland -1, NC +13 , Mia Oh -21.5, New Mex +13

I too love VT with that defense and vick running wild, but as much as I want to bet on the other gams, nothing is standing out to me and it's times like this when I force myself to bet for the action, that I do poorly.

Just can't get a handle on the season yet. My gut though says Clemson, Texas and Mich. st.

Good luck guys.

Maryland had this team beat and blew it.  Oh well, hopefully ND will hold on andtheothers will catch.

Okay, let me be honest here.

I would like to make some money tonight. What is the strongest play out there?

I'm looking at Toledo -13.5 in the first half vs. Western Michigan. Toledo has a penchant for blowing teams out from the whistle. Opinions?

Also, I like Alambama to do some damage. Any thoughts?

I like New Mexico. The way the line has moved it looks like th side to me, but who knows. Maryland looked like the right side as well. I am routing for SDST +7.5 and +10 Right now vs AForce.  I think it will come down to the last possession.

Loved the SDSt. pic, but couldn't pull the string.

I disagree RE: New Mexico. I went to law school at Mizzou, so I may be biased, but they have a solid defense and a dynamic offense. New Mex barely beat UNLV and they just played on Monday. I think Mizzou will roll.

I found my play for tonight (I think). I'm going OVER on Eastern Michigan/ULL at 57. Those teams have no defense, and both can move the ball. I think I'll take it heavy.

What do you think about that?

No opinion on that game. Made small play on Stanford -2.5, Toledo -21.5 and Idaho +12 late.  SDST was a tough beat. Turnovers killed it.  They were right in the money.

yeah... being from MD and seeing their game against Navy, just didn't feel good about them handling clemson, who has been a thorn in their side...

ended up betting on VT and Texas... CHA CHING!!!!!!!!!

good luck to all tomorrow on the NFL!!