Welcome Mat Newsletter

March 1, 2005
By Steve Scott

This issue's quote: "If you want to be a champion someday, be a champion today." Ian Hill

March 5-Kansas State AAU Judo Championships, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
Contact Rick Donnelson at usmjudo@yahoo.com.
April 23-Missouri State AAU Judo Championships, Kansas City, MO
Contact Bill West at (816) 784-6100.

First of all, I want to sincerely thank the many people who have purchased pre-publication copies of my book. My graphic design guy Mike and I have been really working on the thing and we will be taking it to the printer's on March 2. They tell us it should take about 3 weeks to print them all, so when they come off the press, I will be shipping them out to you.

Another important development (and one that I am thrilled about) is that the USJA has officially endorsed the book and will sell it for me through Golden Tiger Martial Arts Supply Company. You can contact the USJA for more information on this also. Jim Bregman, USJA President, wrote the foreword for the book and I am honored beyond belief that he did. If you of the younger crowd don't know, Jim was the first American to win a medal in either World (1963) or Olympic (1964) competition. His reputation is impeccable and his associaiton with my book will do nothing but help.

I imagine you're tired of seeing my unabashed capitalistic ad for my book (nothing wrong with being a capitalist), so I won't run the ad this issue.

I have to admit it...that ad during the Super Bowl by GoDaddy.com got my attention. If you didn't see it, suffice it to say it was aimed at the base interests of testosterone laden males and did the trick. GoDaddy is a web site hosting company and offers a great deal by the way. I was toying with the idea of starting a web site for Welcome Mat and that young girl on the commercial convinced me I should part with my money right then and there. Anyway, I have a web site now and it is www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.com so you may want to go there and put it on your favorite listings in your address book.

After years of being dormant, yours truly is getting the itch to do clinics and seminars again. Honestly, I'm too lazy to do any more at the club other than work with the guys in jujitsu. The younger black belts at Welcome Mat are doing a good job and I don't want to get in the way. But, I am going to start doing clinics and seminars so if you're interested in having me do something at your club, please let me know. Go to my web site for the full information and sales pitch.