Never prayed for a kneebah more in my life.

If you don't want a stoppage don't flail around in agony.

And mirglaliotta fucks up again Phone Post

He had no way out! Phone Post


good stoppage Phone Post

Tapping requires a couple taps Phone Post

If you flail around and scream any referee on earth would stop it.

Saved his knee from being toast because it's not like he was defending.

He was going for the dollaway fake tap Phone Post

Good call Phone Post

Referees are always more "on top of the action" with leglocks because a tenth of a second can make a huge difference in recovery time, good stoppage regardless because the kid was flailing around like he needed to be exorcized.

Good call Dan! Looked like a tap to me.

Fake tappers beware.....

Dan accidently did the right thing lol!

Im surprised no ones posted the original kneebah video yet

BJ bashed into McDs mincemeat - Tapping requires a couple taps Phone Post

Wrong. Submission is interpreted as physical or verbal submitting. Physical tapping is tapping with your hand, on the mat or your opponent, tapping your foot, snapping your fingers....verbal submission is saying 'tap' or screaming loud in agony/pain. Nowhere in rules does it say multiple taps. One tap is considered a submission, as is the screaming and flailing he did. He submitted. Phone Post

dawley - 
BJ bashed into McDs mincemeat - Tapping requires a couple taps Phone Post

Wrong. Submission is interpreted as physical or verbal submitting. Physical tapping is tapping with your hand, on the mat or your opponent, tapping your foot, snapping your fingers....verbal submission is saying 'tap' or screaming loud in agony/pain. Nowhere in rules does it say multiple taps. One tap is considered a submission, as is the screaming and flailing he did. He submitted. Phone Post

Right. The most biggest tap in MMA history was one solid pat and it signaled the beginning of the end for The Last Emperor.

If you are clearly in pain and scream OR make a movement that could be considered a tap the ref HAS to stop it. He is there for the safety and protection of the fighters. His knee is probably slightly damaged. If he didn't get it stopped there it was going to get shredded.


I'm not tappin', bro!