What are the best 4 sweeps u would teach to kids?

I’m looking for sweeps to teach to kids at a young age.

Then eventually they will hopefully learn them all but these will be the go to sweeps.


Hip bump and dog fight position (underhook to knee tap out of half guard) are two of my favorite and super basic with good fundamental concepts imo

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scissor sweep

if they sit back, scissor sweep to hip bump

if they lean to the other side, scissor sweep to switching which side you're facing so you pass the arm across your body and take their back

if they stand up, scissor sweep to tomahawk / tripod sweep

I think this teaches them valuable sweeps they'll be able to use from nearly every guard.

Lumberjack sweep for sure. Very natural for kids.

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I tried an experiment with my kids when it came to guard.  I taught them 10 different guards and a sweep from each one.  Then we just drilled a lot of open guard and I'd yell out a particular one they had to go to (or I'd give them free rein to go to them on their own).  It worked out pretty well, and since kids love to collect things, they got very into making sure they knew all 10 really well.

It's been a decade since I ran a kids program, but I think this was the list:

  1. Closed Guard (hip bump)
  2. Open Guard (scissor)
  3. Butterfly Guard (single elevator / foot lift sweep)
  4. Half Guard (climb to the back...we did lots of back taking)
  5. Spider guard (extend the arm and sweep across/overhead)
  6. X guard (dump them fwd to single leg...we also did lots of single/double)
  7. Cross guard (backroll sweep)
  8. DLR (foot behind the knee and take the back)
  9. Sitting up guard (shoot the single)
  10. Turtle guard (bump over the leg sweep)

I left Rubber guard off the list, because I don't think it's safe for all knees and hips.  But if you had asked me in 2010 which guards I "recognize" it would have been those 11. 

Scissor sweep, pendulum sweep, hip bump, tripod

Any sweep that ends or starts with a Berimbolo.

You're welcome.

flower/pendulum sweep

hip bump

after that there are a few to choose from… could do scissor or do an arm drag which isn’t a sweep but is a first cousin.

I’m a huge fan of the flower sweep because it can teach so much off of it and my daughter kills people with it

Hip bump


Flower (aka Xande sweep)

Double ankle grab


Sir Taps - Hip bump


Flower (aka Xande sweep)

Double ankle grab


aren’t the pendulum and flower the same? Or is pendulum more of the waiter sweep… I’m starting to lose track of the naming convention of that one.

I’m a huge fan of the flower… and the xande one is good one to add but not the version I was thinking.)

Meatgrinder -
Sir Taps - Hip bump


Flower (aka Xande sweep)

Double ankle grab


aren’t the pendulum and flower the same? Or is pendulum more of the waiter sweep… I’m starting to lose track of the naming convention of that one.

I’m a huge fan of the flower… and the xande one is good one to add but not the version I was thinking.)

I thought only difference between pendulum & flower was one grabbing the pants and the other you underhook the leg (like a waiter). Same movement tho

hip bump/old man variation 



double ankle grab

disconnect - 
Meatgrinder -
Sir Taps - Hip bump


Flower (aka Xande sweep)

Double ankle grab


aren’t the pendulum and flower the same? Or is pendulum more of the waiter sweep… I’m starting to lose track of the naming convention of that one.

I’m a huge fan of the flower… and the xande one is good one to add but not the version I was thinking.)

I thought only difference between pendulum & flower was one grabbing the pants and the other you underhook the leg (like a waiter). Same movement tho

hip bump/old man variation 



double ankle grab

I don’t even know how those could be called different sweeps. To me that’s just a slight modification for nogi (and possibly a big mistake in mma! LOL

The hip bump and flower go together nicely and it’s always good to have things that can chain together… There’s (at least) 2 ways to do the hip bump if you do it with your forearm in their collarbone muay thai clinch style you can fall back into a flower sweep with great momentum… Feeling things chain together like that is a lesson in itself. Both sweep are also to dominant position rather than opponent’s guard

The way I call them the mechanics are a little different. A pendulum sweep generally grabs under the opponents leg while your body and legs spin underneath such as a fast arm bar but instead of your leg going in front of your opponents head your leg swings back underneath while you bring your opponents weight forward with the inside leg and then push then over.

The flower sweep is the Xande, foot planted on the floor to trap method.

There are lots of good sweeps it is hard to narrow it down to just 4. I like them to connect though in some way. 

I've never thought of the pendulum sweep and the flower sweep as the same sweep. They seem so different.

In one, you load the weight on top of you and keep him as tight as possible; in the other you push him away from you and his weight isn't on you at all.

Calhoon - 

The way I call them the mechanics are a little different. A pendulum sweep generally grabs under the opponents leg while your body and legs spin underneath such as a fast arm bar but instead of your leg going in front of your opponents head your leg swings back underneath while you bring your opponents weight forward with the inside leg and then push then over.

The flower sweep is the Xande, foot planted on the floor to trap method.

There are lots of good sweeps it is hard to narrow it down to just 4. I like them to connect though in some way. 

That’s how I’ve always been taught them, and how I teach them now. Similar sweeps, but still different.

I think the pendulum is great for kids as it’s basically the same mechanics as an easy armbar (both kids and adults often struggle to get the angle without using the underhook to pull themselves round). And you then get to teach them the triangle if the opponent frees their trapped arm and posts to defend the sweep.

I definitely use both names to refer to the same sweep.  Someone have video to show the distinction?


(I also use the same names whether you are sweeping to mount or to the armbar…)


All about the FLOWER SWEEP and the PENDULUM SWEEP! 2 Awesome 6 Point Sweeps! - YouTube vs Pendulum via the forum’s own nogidavid

Ahhhhh ok.  By that definition I only pendulum, but I use both names.  Thanks!

Scissor, ankle, elevator, pendulum.