What did Roy say to Dana..

Right after he ko'd mitrione? Havnt seen it posted anywhere but i may just be retarded... Phone Post

Wondering it also. Phone Post

he asked for a couple double whoppers with cheese to be sent up to his hotel room

He's always taunting Dana because Dana talks about his mullet beard and belly. Usually something along the lines of this belly won the fight Phone Post

"Can you see me now?? I'm too fat, that's what it is... I'm too fat... Can you see me now?" Phone Post

I did not see him act weird in any way at all on the show. The fights were even and his guy won the title. The only point was about the missed weigh-in. The camera never showed it so maybe he was right. It seemed asking one's boss what to do in that instance is appropriate before confronting the NSAC. Am I wrong? Anybody see him act weird, like Dana said? He trained once a day but he won the show so he knows about staying fresh.