When I was in Europe this summer, I worked out with guy that used to train with Seisenbacher.
He says: Judo spectacular, personality horrible.
When I was in Europe this summer, I worked out with guy that used to train with Seisenbacher.
He says: Judo spectacular, personality horrible.
right tomas, you nailed it.
I own that book of his (and George Kerr's) and I really like it. Interesting thread.
A friend of mine trains with the Korean Judo Team from time to time. What they use is Korean/Asian motorcycle innertubeing. It is the same consistency of the surgical tubing but has a bigger diameter (of course) and is thinner. It is a real tough workout....it is really good for building grip and forearm strength. It's really dynamic and stretch's a lot so you can really have a explosive movement and move through your entire uchi komi movement. You can also attach old gi lapels or material to the ends of it to help build up yor calluses and have more of a real feel.
The black innertubing we have here in the states do not have the correct elasticity to it, you need the innertubing from Asia it stretches a lot more so that you can really lean away from the object you have your uchi komi band anchored to. Plus it marks up your gi.
Here is a pic of them: http://www.kampfsportshop24.de/artikel14,,judo-tube.html
Northern cali
hey norcaljudoka, nice story, but what`s the relation to seisenbacher?