What happened with Krazy Horse at the TUF tryouts?

 too skilled for tuf prolly

He would not have made it through the first week without attacking someone.

MMAxNate - A lot of theories so far. Does anyone know the reasons behind him not making it? (facts)

Supposedly, there was a led pipe involved.

I would guess denial would be due to felony record or failure to pass a psych. evaluation.
He is Krazy after all ;)

krazy horse would have made browning look like a saint

That show sucks balls.

Krazy Horse is the only reason I would watch next season.

The_Jeering_Joker - probably he had the skills to be on the show, but being as fucking krazy as he is, I guess Dana was fucking scared to put him in the house, because he would probably destroy the house and murder the other contestants in the first week of the show.

This would make great television.

his buffoon act would be quite entertaining... much better than rampages

It isn't an act.

 He's more talented, saner, and funnier than Browning.

 Hey everyone be nice when you talk about Kid Kaos,

Deep down inside he's really just acting...

hahaha naw that fool is crazy


Poindexter -  He's more talented, saner, and funnier than Browning.

Agreed. Haha dude he would wreck Browning so bad I would love to see that.

I'm sure its the whole felony thing is why he's not on.

^lol thats fucked up

Acted very normal when I met him.