What happened with Krazy Horse at the TUF tryouts?

Did he make the cut? I noticed he's fighting KJ Noons in San Jose next month for SF...

 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no he didn't make it.

Can you imagine krazy horse on national television stuck in a house with a bunch of other alpha males?

Holy shit I doubt he would even make it to the point of fighting in the cage before getting kicked out of the house. 

Also hopefully he knocksnoons onto queer street again!

Ah, so they draw the line at Krazy Horse when it comes to TUF doing things that are bad for the sport....

(not saying I don't agree though!)

I think they have a policy where you can't have a criminal record (felony) to be in the house (really).

epwar - I think they have a policy where you can't have a criminal record (felony) to be in the house (really).

Spike should make an exception for Krazy Horse. TUF is boring as fuck nowadays. They need someone like him to make the show entertaining again imo.

JiuJitsuLifeMH - 
epwar - I think they have a policy where you can't have a criminal record (felony) to be in the house (really).

Spike should make an exception for Krazy Horse. TUF is boring as fuck nowadays. They need someone like him to make the show entertaining again imo.

I don't know, man....I'm sure you're aware of how warmly everyone talks about War Machine and Junie, and their relationship to the UFC nowadays...

That's really too bad if he isn't on the show, I would have for sure watched that shit. I stopped watching the show a very long time ago.

 Krazy woulda made TUF worthwhile.

Modern Day Messiah - TUF is a professional TV show showing the world's greatest up and coming fighters, they do not accept nor allow freak sideshows into the house just to pop a rating.

This is about the best in the world, get a grip loser.

ROTF! Oh shit, I hope you were joking.

We should start a petition on the UG to get Krazy Horse on TUF

A lot of theories so far. Does anyone know the reasons behind him not making it? (facts)

epwar - I think they have a policy where you can't have a criminal record (felony) to be in the house (really).

MMAxNate - A lot of theories so far. Does anyone know the reasons behind him not making it? (facts)

SPIKE won't allow dudes w/ felonies to be on the show

Modern Day Messiah - TUF is a professional TV show showing the world's greatest up and coming fighters, they do not accept nor allow freak sideshows into the house just to pop a rating.

This is about the best in the world, get a grip loser.

...except Kimbo.

Modern Day Messiah - TUF is a professional TV show showing the world's greatest up and coming fighters, they do not accept nor allow freak sideshows into the house just to pop a rating.

This is about the best in the world, get a grip loser.

You are a shitty troll...go back to sherdog. TUF has had freakshows on every year that didn't deserve to be there.

PJ Benn Fan - Can you imagine krazy horse on national television stuck in a house with a bunch of other alpha males?
Holy shit I doubt he would even make it to the point of fighting in the cage before getting kicked out of the house. 

I know, exactly what Spike seems to look for in a given TUF candidate. Curious he wasn't outright sought out and recruited.

i am sure there were a few with feloniuos backgrounds

Tim Smith -  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no he didn't make it.

krazy at pride mocking the ref was priceless

"Can you imagine krazy horse on national television"

on "Cops" maybe