What happens if Diaz no shows these press conf?

Or is it OK for him now that he is playing the 'villain' roll?

Condit is on the same card. We could eventually see Koscheck vs. Diaz if the same scenario plays out on this card. And to be honest that's not a compelling main event. Phone Post

Responsible members of society will argue that he isn't deserving of his title shot or his place in the UFC.

Diaz fans will "FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER, Diaz be keepin' it real yo! Stockton 902, bitch!"

bearockbrobama - We could eventually see Koscheck vs. Diaz if the same scenario plays out on this card. And to be honest that's not a compelling main event. <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Not a main event maybe, unless Diaz beats GSP and Koschek earns himself another shot at the title, but I wouldn't mind seeing that fight.

easy way to avoid the same scenario is to have the conference in cali.they dont have to have it in ghetto ass stockton but somewhere civilized near by

 Nick knows the consequences and that Dana dont play.Hell be there trust me.

jason73 - easy way to avoid the same scenario is to have the conference in cali.they dont have to have it in ghetto ass stockton but somewhere civilized near by

Lol ghetto ass Stockton? It's no Hollywood but its not that bad, I live about 5 minutes from Oakland and about 45 mins from Stockton. I live in the hood! 510 is the heart of the bay area! It's just funny how Diaz has everyone thinking he's from the hood and that Stockton is this ghetto lol well its not guys! Where I'm from people don't get "slapped"... We get SHOT! Phone Post

Stockton has nice areas like Brookside & Quail Lakes.

Alex Spanos lives in Stockton.Google his name if you have too.