What if Aldo retires? RE: I wanna go out like GSP?

Holy shit.. What if Aldo just says fuck it, I keep getting hurt and I made enough to live comfortable, I'm out.. Wasn't he just interviewed saying that he wanted to go out on top like GSP??

Don't do it Jose!! Phone Post 3.0

It's his right as a free man. He would lose a lot of respect for tapping out on a relatively minor injury (as compared to concussion or ACL tear)

Lol @ losing respect, if you can't respect what that man has done, what are you doing watching this sport?? And I doubt Aldo will lose any sleep about losing your respect, by the sounds of it you don't have any for him to begin with. Phone Post 3.0

Wouldn't respect him any less than I do now. I would be disappointed that we did not get to see Aldo vs McGregor though Phone Post 3.0

He wouldn't be on top, gsp cleared out the entire division. There was no contender he hadn't beaten.

If aldo leaves before fighting conor, he looks scared. Not saying that's the case, I'm picking aldo. But it looks that way. Phone Post 3.0

If Aldo did retire now, he would never live down the Connor fight, regardless of what he did in the sport, every time his name is mentioned they will all say he ducked McGregor.
That's the unfortunate truth.

Dillonpeterliam - If Aldo did retire now, he would never live down the Connor fight, regardless of what he did in the sport, every time his name is mentioned they will all say he ducked McGregor.
That's the unfortunate truth.

the challengers never end, look at gsp with all the shit talk with nick diaz and we saw his decline with the TD's, only to be given another suposed new bigger better opponent that he could not get out of the game from, for accusations of fear of johnny's wrestling/knockout power, if gsp stayed on for one more fight,  then lombard would have been seen as an even bigger test - the point is it never ends