What is the most succsessfull thread

Kirk can you plz post a link to that thread,
how Much posts has it gotten?

the one where baroni hypes himself up by signing in as another user and creates a thread saying Baroni should fight Royce! :) dont remember the title though. funny stuff

 Wisconsin BJJ going strong

Frate Trane or My girl disapproves of my fighter lifestyle, or whatever the title of that one was.

 Travis Fulton the Boxer (ie- the VO)

aldegas - Annonomus confessions thread is dead i belive, that story bout the guy, waking up in that party and using that ko'd girl's hand 2 jack off han me crying,

haha, I haven't even read it and I'm laughing..


Girl Won't Except the Fighter Lifestyle

travis fulton the boxer

"Hot Lurker thread"  about missrara.

top 10 atleast

one key to succssesss is to have a misspelling in the thread title.

The Jam Man thread may or may not be the largest, but it is by far the greatest thread on the internets.

The Ben Saunders vs Seth threat was funny as hell, how Seth said Ben trained at the gym. Ben was furious. what ever came of that arguement anyway?

Girlfriend won't accept my fighter lifestyle

Brock Lesnar = unstoppable frate trane

Yep unstoppable Frate train was epic

^ +1

Mc6pack - 
Heartbroken Lee - 
HawaiianBomber -  Bisping Bandwagon ;)

Yes. This is definitely numero uno thread at the moment. I can only imagine what it will be like after Bisping KO's Hendo.

Also, I'm with aldegas. The ultimate ass thread is a thing of beauty.

yup, an not long to go now !!!

Signed. The Bisping Bandwagon is the place to be at the mo for sure.

Hot chicks with abs is going strong

Ummm.... thank you!

Heartbroken Lee - 
bismanfightclub - 
UKFIGHTERUK - Bisping threads are know to break records. Go over to MMAMANIA and ask the staff and mods what threads get the most posts. They will say Bispings.

More delusional brits.  There is a thread that is 3 weeks old giving away a free DVD with bitchpings signature and it is only 3 pages long, and the bulk of the posts are asking if they could get the DVD without bitchpings signature. 

How long is the Hendo bandwagon? Oh wait, that's right. There isn't one.

The Bisping bandwagon is 60+ pages long. It's one of the longest threads in mma.tv history. You just self-owned again, homie. Not a good look.
Yeah, playa ;)

We have fun on the Bandwagon- ok well, I do anyway. It's like one big fucked up dysfunctional family.  People argue, but they always come back. It's like the drunk uncle at  the family reunion that embarasses the hell out of you but you still talk to him.