What JKD isn't!!!

Since so many people disagree on what JKD is, let's see if we can disagree on what it isn't......

1,JKD is not a bunch of vague parable's from some ancient scroll.
2.JKD is not a series of techniques or styles all strung together.
3.JKD is not created by BL
4.JKD is not a fixed pattern
5.JKD is not MMA

Can anyone add to the list?

JKD is not a theory to be tested on paper (or the internet or while you are sitting comfortably in your favorite chair).

JKD is not your best Bruce Lee impression.

JKD is not your best Dan Inosanto impression.

JKD is not about impressions.

I only disagree with #3...

JKD was created by BL but maybe not realized by him...


Hi Mark thanks for the first disagreement ... :-)

To me, saying BL created JKD is like saying Ben Franklin created electricity, or Newton created gravity...
IMHO these ideas are a distraction from truth and the further you stray from truth the further you stray from function.

JKD is not vague thought
JKD is not poor technique
JKD is not a forum.



You're wrong about "JKD is not MMA"

MMA is part of some people's JKD. It's not part of others'. It certainly is part of my JKD. I'm guessing that it's not part of yours.

The Gimp - You're wrong about "JKD is not MMA"

MMA is part of some people's JKD. It's not part of others'. It certainly is part of my JKD. I'm guessing that it's not part of yours.

Hi gimp. Without mincing words and circular conversation. MMA is a sport, with rules, regulations and limitations, contrary to JKD concept. Therefor unable to fall under the JKD umbrella.
However, IMHO great value should be placed on the sport of MMA to validate knowledge, skill level, attributes and experience in a controlled environment.

To me saying MMA is JKD is like saying wood is fire...No!!! wood is fuel FOR the fire. And there are other fuels.

But to each his own.... :-)

Have a great 2013


I think we're disagreeing over semantics more than anything else.

I'm not saying MMA alone is JKD. I'm saying that MMA can be one of the martial systems that make up a person's JKD. Does that make sense?

For example, I think if Bruce Lee was around today, he'd probably incorporate some MMA training methods, techniques, and tactics into his own art. Do you think so?

Take care

Yup!!! ,,,, ;-)

JKD doesn't exist. Forget about names and get on with the day-to-day business of living.

BigSifu - JKD doesn't exist. Forget about names and get on with the day-to-day business of living.

At times it does.
At times it doesn't.

JKD is like coordination, some have it, some don't. For the ones who have it, it exists.

Nice to hear from you Bigsifu

JKD is not to be practised while eating cheetos..

Its heck to get all the orange stuff off your fingers while doing the wooden dummy
...and when is someone going to buy hostess so I can get back to practicing stick work while eating twinkies...?

JKD is NOT a martial art/system/or methodology that you can learn, train or develop in and become what Bruce Lee demostrated on screen. Mainly becuase what he presented on screen was just as false as any fantasy violence...


Bob Wall, Bolo Yeoung or Chuck Norris would have hurt him really bad in REAL LIFE!



Demitrius Barbito - 

JKD is NOT a martial art/system/or methodology that you can learn, train or develop in and become what Bruce Lee demostrated on screen. Mainly becuase what he presented on screen was just as false as any fantasy violence...


Bob Wall, Bolo Yeoung or Chuck Norris would have hurt him really bad in REAL LIFE!



And we have our first comedy moment of 2013 :)

I disagree with all 3. That being said, Chuck Norris is arguable, but Bolo and Bob Wall? GET OUT OF TOWN!! lol

I don't think one develops the ability to move like Bruce Lee did by being a "Screen Dragon".

lloydmtz - I don't think one develops the ability to move like Bruce Lee did by being a "Screen Dragon".

But you "can" thru cinematography...


BL's father was a stage actor and BL was a child and adult screen actor...

I guess you were there so I'll rescind my previous statement.

You can't shoot like Clint Eastwood without being a gunfighter.


Well stated.

I mean... VERY WELL STATED!!! 



Seriously John, you are one of the few I've encountered here who is able to penetrate the nonsense. All of us are at a disadvatage because "we hope, want, expect, need HEROs to show us the way.." BUT, when we get glimpses of the truth - the need for a hero fades little by little. The hero, as we've been trained to see him, does not exsist.

I don't need a hero. I mentioned how he moved. Yes everyone on here seems to have be an expert at everything. So I bow to your insight and wisdom concerning a man you've never met.

There are people who teach that move really well and have even trained Pro Fighters. Yet they themselves have never competed. And yes I have personally trained with them. I would assume there couldn't be any way that they could move the way they do much less train Fighters to the Highest Levels because they themselves never competed at those same High Levels?