What to do about the Waianae refugees?

Every time I drive through Waianae I see tent city after tent city and there are always cops there responding to 911 calls.

It could be such a beautiful place without these refugees polluting the scenery.

Get these fuckers off of the beach! 

^^ Awesome idea, but C&C have started closing some of the beaches at night, and more beaches soon to follow once more shelters are built


I grew up in Waianae. I played pee wee football for the Makaha Alii's and lived in what we called Coral Sands or Mai'ili. We just say Maile, but the Hawaiian make it such a big deal to use the right words.

Anyway, when I was a kid there were homeless living at the beaches but mostly at Black Rock beach, Sewers and Makaha. There was a shanty town in Makua that actually had houses and stuff built out of used lumber. But I digress.

Most of the homeless out there are not from Waianae like before. They are from all over. Man, my mom's house in Waianae was like the red cross, we had guys living in our yard and in a VW Van in front of my house. My mom got such a soft heart that any of our friends and neighbors who were kicked out or down on their luck lived with us.

Now the situation is out of hand, my mom, is too old to care for anyone other than the kids my brother and his good for nothing girl spits out. But when I go home, its so sd to see this tents and all the people who lay claim or say they are Hawaiian or they don't have any place else to go. That is total b.s. They would know where to go, black rock, sewers or makaha. The rest are just trying to make a statement like "make us leave" and the news cameras are always there for the drama. Its total b.s.

I miss going to the beach without all the hassles of arguing with the "locals". Hahaha, my house was the 3rd house in the whole neighborhood. 10th in 2 miles in the area. The neighborhood park in my area was never, ever completed, yet Hawaii Kai got a dog park? Total b.s.

Peace out, kick the homeless off the parks, tell the big guy from Waianae said shut the hell up, get a job and stop being stupid. They don't have a right to be there but we sure do.


jjd -  HAWAIIAN!

fuck im hawaiian I aint living on the beach
but there are a lot of non hawaiian fuckers on the beach what is their excuse

I live in Mai'ili. I see this shit everyday. I've learned to look beyond the tents and amaze myself with the beauty of the ocean and mountains -- the Waianae Coast is VERY beautiful despite all the urban problems. I'm a Mililani transplant...when I sold my townhouse after the divorce, I decided to buy a house in Waianae, and I have no regrets despite all the homeless.

But, yeah, I wish the homeless would just disappear.

Hawaiians over non-hawaiian micros by fahgning domination. Keep the beaches clear and free for my kids and the future of hawai'i.

soilent green imo.

feedem more ice so they get all skinny and the wind will blow them away... that or a flame thrower.

by the looks of those pics, they're obviously NOT starving. WTF!?

WOW jjd, just fucken WOW.  For every homeless Hawaiian on the beach there are probably 100x more working and trying to make a living in a state thats quickly going down hill.

Square Saltine - 
 People in Hawaii Kai earn money and pay taxes, very big difference. 

They also live on land that was taken from a Hawaiian organization - effectively the last remnant of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Bishop Estate, thru leasehold conversion which was later deemed to be unconstitutional when applied on the mainland. I guess its alright as long as it's all white.

Square Saltine - 
falsecrack - 
Square Saltine - 
 People in Hawaii Kai earn money and pay taxes, very big difference. 

They also live on land that was taken from a Hawaiian organization - effectively the last remnant of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Bishop Estate, thru leasehold conversion which was later deemed to be unconstitutional when applied on the mainland. I guess its alright as long as it's all white.
dey took da land!  dey wen trick da queen!  i stay 1/64 hawaiian were my land brah? 

Non sequiturs in response to logic is pretty much what I expect

its all about the complextion for the protection my frengs.  Soon Hawaii will be just like the mainland.  *starts stocking up supplies and buying land in Micronesia


They also live on land that was taken from a Hawaiian organization - effectively the last remnant of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Bishop Estate, thru leasehold conversion which was later deemed to be unconstitutional when applied on the mainland. I guess its alright as long as it's all white. "

Seriously 100-200 years ago messed up things happeend to the Hawaiian people, no one argued that. BUT SOCIO ECONOMICALLY Hawaiian's aren't doing that great. They have way more benefits then normal "non hawaiians" and can't seem to get it together so to complain about people who followed the laws of America (the country that Hawaii belongs too) to obtain land and cry foul when your people can't buy the land themselves is JACKED.

We gave Hawaiians a lot of homestead land and they turn it into trash. If 90% of the Hawaiian people realized how life was back in old Hawaii I don't think they would be so down to live that life.

I am native Taiwanese, don't see me getting any hand outs are crying about my "ancestorial land". If I wanted it I would go out and buy it. Hawaiian's with there benefits should do the same.

 No electric, No Cars, No modern day luxuries, I could live with that.  Live Life Pono my fren.

i dont need no car to download porn but electricity is precious to me.

Diken Cider - No electric, No Cars, No modern day luxuries, I could live with that. Live Life Pono my fren.

Everything old style? Like piss the king off you die. No court no justice just run like hell for the Heiau for breaking kapu?

I am all for preserving the old ways and what not. I am even for using the money to help get them started in life but let me be clear a hand out for people who feel they don't need to work or do anything is not what I think is needed here. Something like what Jason Scott Lee is doing is awesome. If hawaiians wanted to live like that then WOHOO!! Give them all the resources in the world to do it. But if they want to eat Mcdonalds and live in modern society, they should have to pay for it like the rest of us.

It further gets me irritated when people talk about how the land doesn't belong to people when said people busted there ass and sacrifice to get it. Remember a lot of the land was SOLD to non native hawaiians in the mid 1800's


Living life Pono, living right has a lot of different meanings. None of them = doing nothing, sitting on a beach smoking ice. There is nothing right or righteous about that