What type of MMA fan are you?

KyokushinCatch - 
Mapu Sisoa369 - 
Mmanizzle - Inside every dirty Viet Cong is an mma fighter trying to get out...

 I don't know about mma fighter, but i do know them as a group of little sissy asians going out and mobbing guys 4 to 1.

done walked into a VC ambush in the past, di'ntcha boy

 Nope, but did witness these sissy in action around waialae area.

Mapu Sisoa369 - 
KyokushinCatch - 
Mapu Sisoa369 - 
Mmanizzle - Inside every dirty Viet Cong is an mma fighter trying to get out...

 I don't know about mma fighter, but i do know them as a group of little sissy asians going out and mobbing guys 4 to 1.

done walked into a VC ambush in the past, di'ntcha boy

 Nope, but did witness these sissy in action around waialae area.

can't say i've ever been proud of that sort of behavior when i saw it go down, it's a shame that how them boys fight. my core values are like those in the documentary I watched yesterday - A Village Called Versailles... http://avillagecalledversailles.com/

that's the kind of mma fan i am, giving back to the community... can i get an amen?

Mmanizzle - 
Mapu Sisoa369 - 
KyokushinCatch - 
Mapu Sisoa369 - 
Mmanizzle - Inside every dirty Viet Cong is an mma fighter trying to get out...

 I don't know about mma fighter, but i do know them as a group of little sissy asians going out and mobbing guys 4 to 1.

done walked into a VC ambush in the past, di'ntcha boy

 Nope, but did witness these sissy in action around waialae area.

can't say i've ever been proud of that sort of behavior when i saw it go down, it's a shame that how them boys fight. my core values are like those in the documentary I watched yesterday - A Village Called Versailles... http://avillagecalledversailles.com/

that's the kind of mma fan i am, giving back to the community... can i get an amen?
I am a big fan of street fighting, screw the rules in the ring. Us guy who train UFC hate them rules, which holds back our true fighting skills.

why do i still smell mud???