For a while there were 2 MMA T-shirt makers from Hawaii that had some really solid and unique designs that were by far my favorites considering the onslaught of repetitive designs and themes that now saturate the market.
One was RAZE, who I believe is still around (although not repped on the UG anymore?), and I can't for the life of me remember the other. I think even Dana White wore one of their shirts... does anyone know the company I'm talking about?
No, it wasn't either of those. I didn't realize that 62 was Hawaiian though.
Thanks for the ideas though... any more?
Great t-shirts and designs.
For some reason, I feel like I can remember a green shirt with a Zig-Zag guy design in black... but I am both legitimately colorblind and high myself, so accuracy cannot possibly be guaranteed.
Fokai was actually from Guam
Da Hui
I'm pretty sure Uncle Justice is thinking of Fokai.
I have 2 of their t-shirts and they're awesome!
Da Hui makes some nice stuff!
TheKidAintMine - I'm pretty sure Uncle Justice is thinking of Fokai.
I have 2 of their t-shirts and they're awesome!
That's it- thanks man. I owe you one!
Fokai was actually from Guam
What's up, CB? Good to see you posting.
Obviously I would trust your word over mine, but I could've swore these guys were out of Hawaii.
Are they still in biz?
FOKAI Still is from Guam, its just International now.
You might remember seeing Uncle Dana wearing it in TUF season 1 and 2
Fokai is still around and running strong.
RAZE owner (Vince) posts here regularly as RAZEGEAR formerly known as HMCWOLVERINE.
Super cool guy and if ask anyone who purchased from him, they will tell you he has GREAT customer service.
RAZEGEAR is awesome, and Vince is a great guy. Still rocking my Charuto shirt!