I often thought down with sickness by disturbed sounded great because it starts with those drums. Then sometimes if I'm in a mellow mood I think I would have something like clubbed to death (not sure who does it-was in the matrix soundtrack). Know if anyone has used down with the sickness? I'd have that or Hysteria by Muse.
Set it off (blow up the spot) - ill will.
I'm coming home - Pdiddy
Bodies by Drowning pool.
Go to sleep - Eminem, DMX, Obie Trice
Then get put to sleep myself, because I can't fight for shit
Smashing the Opponent- Infected Mushroom
Kanye loves fishdicks - Go to sleep - Eminem, DMX, Obie TriceLmao
Then get put to sleep myself, because I can't fight for shit
Undertaker's walk in music
Promentory - Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack.
crazydave - Promentory - Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack.Noice. Is Daniel day Lewis the best actor ever? I'm a Tom hanks kinda guy myself.
ChiefMac -I'm with you, Hanks is bettercrazydave - Promentory - Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack.Noice. Is Daniel day Lewis the best actor ever? I'm a Tom hanks kinda guy myself.
DDL can't do comedy
Kanye loves fishdicks -Abso-fucking-exactly. Me and you are on the same page. Sometimes when I say that people tell me I'm crazy..but then they think back to his career.....tonnes of diversity, the burbs, money pit, turner and hooch, saving ungrateful Matt Damon, Cast away, the terminal, forrest gump. The list is epic. Tom Hanks is a legend and the best ever.ChiefMac -I'm with you, Hanks is bettercrazydave - Promentory - Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack.Noice. Is Daniel day Lewis the best actor ever? I'm a Tom hanks kinda guy myself.
DDL can't do comedy
Violent Revolution by Kreator.
Maybe Matt Brown will come out to it one day.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.
"Dis Ain't What U Want"
produced by my man Paris Beuller @ParisBeuller @lildurk_
ender852 - Why can't we be friendsThis. Always thought it would be fucking hilarious to see a fighter walk out to this. Especially a grudge type match. Imagine jones vs cormier, and either one walking out to this.
I've known forever this would be my song.