What you should know about Scott Ferrell

Jordan Watters -  Dana White - "Ferrell, you crackhead lookin' motherfucker, you're a monkey that can be bought!"

Fucking Classic!!!!!

Can't stand is voice and he's a tool!

JeffCain - 

My biggest question to the Johnny Come Lately's is how many local events have you attended? How many times have you driven 8 hours to attend one? I'm all about supporting the sport, but I'm not about supporting the leaches who've latched on because it became the next big thing.

I didn't need any convincing...

Excellent point. I was channel surfing in '94 when an expose' show was highlighting some early UFC stuff, attempting to stir public outrage at the brutality. It had the opposite affect on me and I became hooked.

Last night I was having the "small show" conversation with some folks at my party. They are just clueless as to what they miss by not attending them. For me it's like a basic need only secondary to food and water. 


He's unwatchable. Who is he anyway?

Never heard about this guy before but god damn, does he smoke a carton of cigarettes a day or what?

He was horrible last night.

He's a gayer want-a-be version of this guy

RyanWilcox - 
Doem - Back in the day, a caller to his show asked him who he thought was gonna win Gracie V Shamrock (I think it was the second fight). Scott said that MMA was for "toothless rednecks" and wasnt a real sport, then hung up on the caller. That is the truth

Over the last few years Scott has been trying to claw his way into the MMA scene, trying to get Dana to hire him. Terrible to see him on the Affliction show.

And we should believe post because....?

believe it because other posters on this thread have verified the premise.

I didnt know about all the history he has with Dana and didnt know he was so vocal about his distaste for MMA years later.

I swear that they had cartoon characters covering the event and doing interviews last night.

He looks like he could be entertaining commentating something else but his obvious lack of knowledge on the sport made some of his comments unbearable.

that guys is SO annoying

 He and Chuck Zito really took away some credibility of an otherwise great event.

his dumbass voice and fake hype is irritating. "it is complete insanity back here!" as babalu was just pacing back and forth... STFU

Ferell should limit himself to radio because damn that guys hard to look at... His voice isnt doing him any favors either.