What you should know about Scott Ferrell

Back in the day, a caller to his show asked him who he thought was gonna win Gracie V Shamrock (I think it was the second fight). Scott said that MMA was for "toothless rednecks" and wasnt a real sport, then hung up on the caller. That is the truth

Over the last few years Scott has been trying to claw his way into the MMA scene, trying to get Dana to hire him. Terrible to see him on the Affliction show.

 He should do anti-smoking public service announcements.   He sounds like the old lady next door who is always drunk off her ass and smokes three packs of cigs a day.

he loves the hockey

I really have no idea how someone with such an abrasive annoying voice could ever get a job in broadcasting...

Probably the "pour me a beer" gimmick he been using for the last 15 years.

Who is that guy.

And how does he have a job in broadcasting ???

Dana basically said the same thing as far as him being a fake fan.

I bet millen got him the job

Didn't he host Battle Dome? (I'm probably the only one that even remembers that show)

He is absolutely awful.

Loved Battle Dome, can't stand Ferrell.

Was he "Froggy" from The Little Rascals?

he is so terrible

he was brutal- I remember hearing him bash mma on his sirius show saying it was for homos and it was boring when he was all pissed off at Dana- now look at him. I was hoping Babalu was going to ko him in the back.

dana calls it how he sees it
he hates Ferrell

dimesnake - dana calls it how he sees it
he hates Ferrell
No. Actually Dana is a fucking LYING POS who turns on people the minute they want an extra couple of pennies out of him.

Ferrell was the fucking greatest to Dana up until he wanted a little extra cash....then all of a sudden he's garbage.

Dana is a lying stack of dogshit.....

tell me how u really feel about Mr White

Ferrel is just like so many others trying to cover the sport today, hated it and now jumped on the bandwagon. I don't fault him for that, I fault anyone for hiring him.

I recall someone's first UFC event at UFC 53 saying he was pissed he was sent to cover it and it wasn't a sport and now he's one the more high profile journalist covering MMA.

The next fad that pops up, they'll be all on it, late of course, but they'll be all on it.

My biggest question to the Johnny Come Lately's is how many local events have you attended? How many times have you driven 8 hours to attend one? I'm all about supporting the sport, but I'm not about supporting the leaches who've latched on because it became the next big thing.

I didn't need any convincing...

Ferrell just strikes me as a dick. He always talked shit about MMA until he was getting paid. Once he was getting paid it was painfully obvious he didn't have a clue. If he wasn't getting money for it he wouldn't be watching. Definitely think it is a joke for him to be commentating....why not try and get Casey Kasem to call the next one???


I recall someone's first UFC event at UFC 53 saying he was pissed he was sent to cover it and it wasn't a sport and now he's one the more high profile journalist covering MMA.

does his name happen to rhyme with Cranklin McBeal?

But on a serious note....guys like Marc Ratner and Marshall Zelasnik didn't like MMA either and spoke out against it....now they work for the UFC....so.....mehhh..... 75% of the folks in and around MMA are in it for the money, its the way of the world...Steve Cofield gave a pretty honest interview to MMARated a while back where he said that he saw huge $$$ in MMA and adjusted his radio show accordingly, when asked why he got into mma he came right out and said the money.....

I've been listening to the Ferrall Show off and on since 1991. Has he talked shit about the sport, sure he has.. but he has also talked about how tough the fighters were and how the fights were more times than not more exciting than boxing long before anyone knew who the fuck Dana was.