So guys whats your reason for not TRANEING?
Not having time or not being able to afford it are lame and will be unacceptable answers in this thread...
Eunuchorn - Quite simply I am afraid I will get an erection when rolling.
I'm not gay, but I'll be thinking "dont get hard dont get hard" and then i will get hard.
Great to see everyone with valid reasons so far
bad knees
Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time work
No interest in traneing
Eunuchorn - Quite simply I am afraid I will get an erection when rolling.
I'm not gay, but I'll be thinking "dont get hard dont get hard" and then i will get hard.
Tell me about it. it was hard enough to get through "g in a gi" in front of all my friends without them noticing. I can't imagine if somebody like Ralek had full mount, or better, a mounted triangle. I'd probably lose it right there in my kimono
Dress like a woman?
wutlol - Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time work![]()
Sorry Bro the shoulder injury is acceptable but the time or money is not!
thanks for posting
OUTCOLD -Shoulder is the biggest reason. Had surgery and months of PT and it's still shitty, but the money is def a big factor. I have a campus job so I'm limited to 20 hours a week and can't find a second job, so I pay a 500 dollar rent, bills, groceries and gas on only a 900 dollar a month income. No room for a 90 dollar a month gym membershipwutlol - Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time work![]()
Sorry Bro the shoulder injury is acceptable but the time or money is not!
thanks for posting

wutlol -OUTCOLD -Shoulder is the biggest reason. Had surgery and months of PT and it's still shitty, but the money is def a big factor. I have a campus job so I'm limited to 20 hours a week and can't find a second job, so I pay a 500 dollar rent, bills, groceries and gas on only a 900 dollar a month income. No room for a 90 dollar a month gym membershipwutlol - Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time work![]()
Sorry Bro the shoulder injury is acceptable but the time or money is not!
thanks for posting
You need to go old school bro - youtube instructional and find a friend to do some traneing with!
i hear you on the shoulder tho - mine has been messed up for ages! good luck with school.
wutlol - Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time workYou gotta histle

I was attending BJJ classes regularly, but I've tweaked my knee and have been having muscle spasms up my thigh. I've looked for every excuse to avoid going to the doctor, and in turn have been avoiding BJJ class... as much as I would like to go.
I do go to boxing class, but only once or twice a week since I hurt myself.
ThePoopWizard -Hustlewutlol - Poor college student. No money plus shoulder injuries and no time between full time classes and full time workYou gotta histle

I am broke, self conscience, and way to tired after working at my dead end back breaking job to do anything other than collapse at the end of the day.
No energy :(
I was going to a GB academy.I've decided they're a bunch of kool aid drinkin fucktards,and will switch to a real MMA school tomorrow.
CoreNobody. What is GB academy...Golden Boy or Gracie Barra?
I watched Heroes for the full run and have given myself three embolisms trying to stop time.
I've received enough concussions playing hockey. Not to mention my shoulder is shot from it as well.