I walk around like a 60 year old man. I'm 25. My
fingers, wrist, elbow, and knee are pretty much
always bugging me. My back is on and off. What do
you guy suggest as a suppliment?
What's best for joints?
-good rolling paper is a must!
I prefer blueberry kind buds, but some people prefer skunk #1.....
Multi Vitamin
Fish Oil (I like Wild Salmon)
Flax Oil
Glucosamine http://www.glucosamine-arthritis.org/
quit bjj
Everything Honkey listed and maybe add some BCAAs (Amino Acids) like L-Glutamine.
Honkey style has it right with the fish oil.... You can find it in the form of Omega 3 complex fish oil pills.
Mega man vitamins work great. A little test. shot never hurt either.
shark cartliage. can buy it at any smoothie king. takes about a month to start working but its the best for sure