What's keeping you on this forum?

Keeping the tradition alive. A symbol of my love for MMA since the beginning.

An overwhelming numbing sadness...

ShanTheMan is what's keeping me here

seriously the underground has sucked for a long time. I stopped coming here right around the time TUF kicked off. there are only so many conversations you can have about guys punching and kicking each other. improvement in the sport mostly comes from doing not reading. when it was TMA vs MMA it was pretty entertaining but that wasn't going to last long

Ive stayed ever since for the OG. I didn't watch mma for 10 yrs and still came to this site at least weekly for the OG

Mostly CRE posts.

I’m here through habit 

To ensure a thick, solid erect penis everyday 

bad habit. used to be the place where you could interact with figthers / joe rogan etc, but still ok. OG is on the rocks though...

Im retarded

boredom when taking a dump. 


Teh OG

Threads complaining about how terrible the place is & how it was once THE place to be

This place was way different when I first signed up. NHB ighting was more of a spectical than sport. Hell, the internet wasn't even that popular back then. Everything has come a long ways. I was just a kid when I came here. 

There's still a lot of good guys here. The numbers aren't falling I would think. Even with twitter, reddit, and everything else the UG is still kicking. There's still some good discussion going on here. But yeah, I know a lot of good people have left. I don't look down on newer fans. Just because they didn't watch it from the beginning doesn't mean they're stupid.

I don't get worked up about little things. Some people take this place way too seriously. I know there's a lot of shitty threads these days. If I dont like what I'm reading, I check out another. It's as simple as that. 

What keeps me here? The idea of meeting most of you on this side of the forum and stomping a mudhole in your candy ass'

Burried in all the shit is the occasional gem that makes it all worth while. 

Just when I thought this place would be finally dying, we had brexit and then brexit part two (i.e. Trump). Which caused twitter and facebook to have tantrums and start censoring conservative view points. And suddenly we need this place again. A place you can still pretty much say what is on your mind. Mostly. Give or take.

Anyways long live the OG.