Whats Shakin' Slap Nuts?

Hey, I need a new camera. I can't even speak my mind otherwise...If someone wants to sponsor me, I will give them the rights to the videos at their site*. Guaranteed traffic. Holla at my mma mail.

Awesome gi, how'd you learn to tie the belt? I can never get a clean knot like that.

As usual, fail and aids.

I know...give my condolences to ya moms....

TJ sounds like Dan Bounaduce if he laid off the cigs.

Musashi - Chris Farley's unfunny, retarded redneck cousin?

Commodus's uncaring, jealous brother?

Ensanity - TJ sounds like Dan Bounaduce if he laid off the cigs.

If I laid off smokes they would have to lay off your mom..BTW, tell her I won't stop at 7-11...Shell is where it's at. 

 You punks feel free to stop in and get thrown on your heads.

And ladies.......I happen to know Q is single.

 You do know what 'Mick' rhymes with ?

If throwing people on their heads is funny, I am Richard Pryor.

 I throw people on their heads.......For money.

 You know what 'NIck' rhymes with, don't yo....never mind.

TrainJudo - 
Ensanity - TJ sounds like Dan Bounaduce if he laid off the cigs.

If I laid off smokes they would have to lay off your mom..BTW, tell her I won't stop at 7-11...Shell is where it's at. 

We both know she goes to that cheap Gas station "Slauson Gas" around the corner from her house. You is silly.

Ummm, there was no Judo in that video.

mrzipplokk -  You know what 'NIck' rhymes with, don't yo....never mind.

 Damn, you got me.

 Wow Danny Bonaduce is spot on

this sucks