I’m trying to show some people his transformation and this is the most recent I could find.
I’m trying to show some people his transformation and this is the most recent I could find.
AND STILL… has chicken legs.
I don’t understand why his body looks the way it does. I assumed someone who’s always getting busted for PEDs would turn into horsemeat Jones, but it looks like he’s only training his waist? A lot of Eugene Sandow bent-pressing or something?
Imagine an Antoni Hardonk or Pedro Rizzo level kick to one of those legs
Considering he got kicked out of his gym and his new sparring partner is his wife I think he looks great.
He just looks bloated to me
He looks like bellator version of rampage Jackson lol
Dude needs to try a bodybuilding routine for a while. I’m all for being strong, but that’s making an ugly looking body lol.
Steroids make you retain water.
is it controversial to suggest he will gas in the first round if he ever fights?
has he been serving a secret 2 year suspension?
“Ran through the light heavyweight division on talent”
plus peds, lots of peds.
it must be hard to bulk up 30lbs when your legs and arms don’t want to put on muscle. His only option is that Spongebob physique.
Looks terrible.
For as much time as he’s spent bulking up and training for HW, LHW fighters like Anthony Johnson & OSP arguably looked better taking random fights at HW and just not cutting weight.
Having an awesome bicep peak is always essential. ALWAYS!
Le Shat