When did it become ok to trash Randy???

I think people got fed up with the contract situation he had with the UFC a year or whatever ago. He signed a contract, got blessed with a heavyweight title shot out of nowhere, then another fight passes and that contract is no longer good enough for him. He had a giant list of excuses for not fighting at that point.

This was long after he had criticized Tito about Tito's previous contract dealings/whining.

And while this is going on, he releases a book that talks about all his infidelities.

He went from being the older athlete that everyone expected to... well, where he is now.

randy is the best fighter with 10 loses i'll admit. i want to know what happened to all of the people who were positive randy would beat fedor :) they seem to be dead now.

Still immensely pisses me off that he gets disrespect.

BrutalMedic - Still immensely pisses me off that he gets disrespect.

 I bet his 3 ex-wives would say the same thing=)


LEGEND IN THE SPORT, enough said!

The out in the open contract beef with the UFC. He changed his reasons with the wind. That and his book.

Both in conflict with his projected image.

BJJkilla - randy is the best fighter with 10 loses i'll admit. i want to know what happened to all of the people who were positive randy would beat fedor :) they seem to be dead now.

Sakuraba and Wanderlei imo

A wise man once said that Gresham Randy would kick Vegas Randy's ass

Kid Muscle - 
BJJkilla - randy is the best fighter with 10 loses i'll admit. i want to know what happened to all of the people who were positive randy would beat fedor :) they seem to be dead now.

Fuck dude, He's 50 years old now.

Let's see if Fedro is still around fighting top competition in 10 years.

Not tryin to induce an argument. Just saying =</blockquote>

He wont need to be

There's always been talk of Randy being Overrated and maybe he is maybe he isn't regardless I'll always be a fan of the guy. How many MMA athletes can or will ever be able to say they are top 10-15 in their division at 46 years old? Very inspiring guy

Nobody is safe from the UG.

I also think he lost alot of traction when he left the UFC claiming "it's not about the money" when in fact it was about the money.

The fact that he is still out there at his age competing against the best is amazing. He was my favorite fighter at one point and I really liked the way he handled himself; always soft spoke, respectful, and seemed grounded. Over the last few years I think he's been exposed more and you read (his words) about his cheating on his wife, he always seems to have falling outs in business, and The Sciorpion King.