When did it become ok to trash Randy???

I cant believe how times change. I remember 2 years ok, randy was a legend and god. Now everyone says how he was always over rated and hes crap. Get a fuckking clue. It is not ok to say anything bad about randy, and u should not be allowed to watch mma if u do so!!! Show some respect fuckers!!!

when the gif of him came out and he was biting his lip, fist pumping, and in general not the Randy of the past.

Randy is apparently a piece of shit to some (not me) with his record being what it is

and those silly hats

3 fights in a row he didnt live up to the hype, so the former ass kissers cant push him too hard, and the haters have some fuel to burn.

Moth2Flame - Is Randy your dad?

He is all our dads(mma fans). If that includes u

I think it's because of Scorpion King

Keh932 - 
Moth2Flame - Is Randy your dad?

He is all our dads(mma fans). If that includes u

Actually, after his book, he may be

I think people are just bored at his wall n stall tactics, his fight against Vera was insanely boring too watch. Nobody is questioning his legend status.

The real legend is Coleman, Randy is a poseur

Randy is still the Man.

The most dramatic career so far.

The most underdog wins.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

 Handy is the man.

 HGH is the shit, if you don't mind potentially suffering from tumors, losing your sight, brain disorders, Increased risk of diabetes, aswell as colon and prostate cancer. Pretty good stuff.

Randy is given fights with Vera and Coleman and thinks he should have a title shot

Keh932 - I cant believe how times change. I remember 2 years ok, randy was a legend and god. Now everyone says how he was always over rated and hes crap. Get a fuckking clue. It is not ok to say anything bad about randy, and u should not be allowed to watch mma if u do so!!! Show some respect fuckers!!!

 If Randy didn't want folks to say anything negative about him he shouldn't have written a book full of everything negative about him=)


Most overrated fighter ever imo, and its not close

I'm still a fan of his in general and I like to watch him fight. I think it's the public image of him that's turned people against him. He used to be the family man and father figure of the sport, now he's like a playboy.

I could care less if he'd rather fight with his current style than retire, but I do care that he takes up main event space and gets unwarranted title fights. If he's going to fight, keep him as a co main event at the most, and if he's getting a title shot, make him actually earn it since he's had so many in the past.
