When will UG News stop bashing fighters?

Kirik has said before that he doesn't like posting news about the negatives of this sport, even when they are seemingly backed up by solid evidence. (See the Lloyd Irvin case.)

Yet the UG News seems to think it is a good idea to post a totally unfounded rumour with ZERO SOURCES whatsoever.

The fact that Mike Bisping sometimes posts on here makes this even worse in my opinion. The admins talk about being fighter friendly, and then post this shit, who do they think they are kidding?

Maybe it's time to stop the UG news and just focus this site on being a fighter friendly forum again. Phone Post 3.0

Just saw on another thread that Kirik has requested that be taken down from the UG News. Maybe there is hope for the News yet.

Kirik called it a bs rumor in the thread that made the front page lol Phone Post

this one didnt seem intentional, not like the lloyd irvin shitshow

Calo still makin waves even without being here. I love it haha. Phone Post 3.0

Stop being so sensitive. Shit happens. Phone Post 3.0

AJL19 - UG news is becoming a shit show..... Last week they ran the UG thread "take it in the butt-hole for 10 million?" as a top news story with a picture of a dog with it's nose up another dog's ass as the lead pic. Real classy. Phone Post 3.0

that was an accident. It was suppose to get posted OG news

i don't think it was fighter bashing at all. 

You guys are way to sensitive sometimes. If that wasn't about Bisping, no one would care. Which I get to an extent. He gets a lot of undeserved shit around here, so people feel like they got to stick up for him. 

However I am thinking being upset about this article is just being way too over sensetive, IMO. ( Not the sites opinion)

OnlyTheStrongSurvive - Kirik called it a bs rumor in the thread that made the front page lol Phone Post
Saw that, too. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Benwahwah - Just saw on another thread that Kirik has requested that be taken down from the UG News. Maybe there is hope for the News yet.
Until next time... Phone Post 3.0

Attn Kirik

Jason -

i don't think it was fighter bashing at all. 

You guys are way to sensitive sometimes. If that wasn't about Bisping, no one would care. Which I get to an extent. He gets a lot of undeserved shit around here, so people feel like they got to stick up for him. 

However I am thinking being upset about this article is just being way too over sensetive, IMO. ( Not the sites opinion)

Unless your name is Bisping, no? Phone Post 3.0

Jason - 

i don't think it was fighter bashing at all. 

You guys are way to sensitive sometimes. If that wasn't about Bisping, no one would care. Which I get to an extent. He gets a lot of undeserved shit around here, so people feel like they got to stick up for him. 

However I am thinking being upset about this article is just being way too over sensetive, IMO. ( Not the sites opinion)

you think people getting upset over ug news reposting a baseless 'rumor' as news is people being too sensitive? ayfkm?

the ug news is the absolute worst. plagarism, libel and just general stupidity.

Jason -

i don't think it was fighter bashing at all. 

You guys are way to sensitive sometimes. If that wasn't about Bisping, no one would care. Which I get to an extent. He gets a lot of undeserved shit around here, so people feel like they got to stick up for him. 

However I am thinking being upset about this article is just being way too over sensetive, IMO. ( Not the sites opinion)

Is this your way of saying that it was you that posted the story?

For me it wasn't the fighter in question that was the major factor in the story, but the fact that a rumour where the source isn't even credited managed to make it onto a news section of the site.

If I said I had started a rumour about something like that would it have made it to UG news? It's highly unlikely, but because it was on another site it got copy and pasted.

Was nothing learned with the whole OMA/Kimo incident?

I do think that the UG is the right place to discuss rumours of this type, I just think that the news articles should only deliver verified news. Perhaps the site should use the classic 2 source system that the regular news industries use? Phone Post 3.0

Read your thread and I'm pleased to see that Kirik listened to you and managed to get it squashed. I've voted you up for your thread. A much worthier vote up. Phone Post 3.0

Also just saw on your thread that Jason has said it wasn't him that posted the story. So I guess it's true, if you agree with UG News it was Kirik, if not, it was Chris. Phone Post 3.0

AJL19 -
UGCTT_Benwahwah - Read your thread and I'm pleased to see that Kirik listened to you and managed to get it squashed. I've voted you up for your thread. A much worthier vote up. Phone Post 3.0
It didn't get removed, just edited. The story still looks very TMZ-ish. Phone Post 3.0
At least it has the refutation as the headline. I agree that it isn't perfect, but it is infinitely better than it was. Phone Post 3.0

Fighter bashing is tolerated all over the site. The Rory thread about his enjoying beating up a guy who totally disrespected him is full of it, no warnings no nothing, the mods have washed their hands of it.

True or false, Shit sticks, and any kind of media support a news item/ rumour gets lends it some kind of credibility. If a celebrity is accused of paedo activities they can never lose that stigma, all it takes is an accusation (true or false) and someone's life is fucked.
(I'm not comparing saying Bisping has a glass jaw to kiddie fildling but it serves to illustrate my point)

There's a lot of people who only read the headline, then immediately tell ten people the headline without fleshing out the story. As most adults with an IQ greater than their waistline know, the headline is just there to grab attention and often the actual contents of the thread/story or news item provide far more insight into the truth of the matter.

I believe this to be why people, including our fearless leader Kirik, wanted this particular story off the front page.

People have sued for defamation of character for less than this! Phone Post 3.0
