Where Did George Metropolis Go Wrong?

What do you think was his major flaw tonight?

Not enough take down attempts? Not getting in close?

He didn't seem on his game tonight.

The Siver fight ruined him Phone Post

Too much K1, not enough ADCC. Phone Post

He is arrogant. He doesn't listen to his corner and he tries to beat his opponent at their game rather than do what he's good at.
Whereas Ross's corner said to throw 3 and 4 combos and go to the body - sots=KO Phone Post

His boxing or his lack of wrestling did not lose him the fight at all. He looked pretty solid technically. He's getting a little older, hes most likely been in se gym wars not to mention a lot of amateur boxing matches. Plus tough mma fights. Add that to devastating KOs to tommy spear and dos anjos.

THE ISSUE IS...he's got no chin left!

It's unfortunate, but I think tonight when Pearson made him do the dougie it was obvious. I'm a fan so I think it's sad but true. He already took a year off to rest his brain...I think he should probably retire before he ends up with a chin like jonathan goulet (you could have blown on it and he'd go down) or worse like Gary goodridge. Phone Post

He pissed off a maccam Phone Post

MooSaucy - He is arrogant. He doesn't listen to his corner and he tries to beat his opponent at their game rather than do what he's good at.
Whereas Ross's corner said to throw 3 and 4 combos and go to the body - sots=KO Phone Post

I don't think it's arrogance at all, you can't just shoot in...it's got to be set up with hands especially when you don't have the wrestling pedigree. He tried a few but it showed he was having a hard time. Phone Post

During his 7-fight win streak in the UFC Sots out struck every one of his opponents. So even after Siver/Dos Anjos maybe he still believes he's strong enough on his feet to hang there until he can get his TD and sub?

Not enough wrestling and 2 much boxing probably. He had one takedown and he looked great on the ground, but after that he found some success with jabs and he just sticked to boxing until he got KO'ed.

I usually hate this term, but he defines chinny.... since Siver, it's been all downhill and he really doesn't seem to hold up well even against seemingly lackluster shots.

tatooedMillionaire - answer is obvious to me

He couldn't take him down
He's getting knocked down on the feet

He should of utilized the 3rd option and pulled guard. He was also wearing ankle sleeves and a knee sleeve on his rubber guard side to provide him with an advantage on the ground.

eddie bravo probably facepalmed so hard while watching that fight

Yeah, I was surprised that a guy who's trained with Bravo quite a bit did not even try pulling guard when things got bad on the feet.