where did matts thread go.. I didnt get a chance to read it..Was told about it
yeah i missed it as well, it was blank before, but now has been removed totally.
Justin keeps saying he started this forum so looks like he used his power to have it removed. Maybe Matt needs to re-writ it in the infinitemma forum
Looks like XFC cant handle people talking about him Rich! He is quite happy to constantly dole out bullshit on here but when it is about him it seems to vanish.
Has about as much credibility as a JWP v Bonello MMA match.
I figured it might be pulled. Nice read thou...interesting.
- Juggs
What was it? Did anyone save it?
I think we should all just move along, there's nothing to see here...
(yes these are the words of someone bitter over the fact that he saw the thread after it was deleted and is dying to know what he missed out on)
I have missed it on both occassions as this has also happened previously on infinitemma so cant quote or comment directly, just shits me justin can say what he wants about others, but dont diss him.
nice quote i found.....
"He that flings dirt at another dirtieth himself the most"
I got to read it.
Matt was revealing his feelings and his experiences with Justin.
It was some what harsh and delved into personal matters.
As for why it was pulled, I have no idea, as Matt has the right to say what he wishes, however harsh and inflammatory what he writes is.
I have known Justin well for near seven years now and I have always been treated well by him. If Matt has had bad experiences then that is between him and Justin. Forum politics has reared its ugly head again.
BUT I think Matt should have the right to have his thread up on here, in light of what has been said about others.
Kym Robinson
Two words...CUT and PASTE.
- Juggs
I didn't save it
i have a copy :)
^^^ OUTCOLD maybe you can post it for the others.....i read it...didn't sound good.....
Since Justin wants to keep talkin smack. For those of you who missed it...
About this Justin guy:
Justin was responsible for bringing police pressure onto a rival promoters show. He told me this with a big smile on his face. I recall conversations of him laughing about how he got high up Japanese gangsters to standover a rival Australian promoter..Talked many times frankly with me about his involvements in worked fights. He has consistently put in $ and effort to derail a leading Brisbane MMA gym, who he despises behind their back. I have been constantly relayed highly confidential information regarding the international contractual situation of top Australian fighters. I have been privy to the business and criminal dealings of Aust mma's biggest names. Justin finds it very therapeutic to joke about the private unfortunate circumstances and personal affairs, of guys who we all know very well. Lucky I have the courtesy not to pass such details on. The amount of times I've been on the receiving end of a Justin msn rant.. with the usual blah blah Bonello's doing this and that...then followed by "not a single word to ANYONE on that"... countless.
Now these are all people who I could care less about their personal affairs. They (and obviously) Justin are all fortunate that I don't go round freely distributing such highly confidential and personal information with the same effortless splendor as Justin.
Justin got himself in strife twice (that I know of) over more of his internet crap, and blamed it on someone hacking his account... not much beans to spill on that one as I guess you guys already know what the truth is. I definitely do.
I have had the following words used against me..."I could get someone to bash you..." "You're fighting on my show you fckn little shit or else..."
Most people say Justins a tightass with money on the shows.. true.. but he sure isn't tightass when it comes to spending other peoples money... He must've spent $200k of his wifes money on the cars, gym, shows what is the latest... a PONTOON! haha the ultimate in aussie trash spending. I suppose, since he tattoo'd her name all across his chest, that justifies it... But then when he's constantly cracking every variety of 'beached whale', and 'mal foki lookalike' joke to anyone behind her back, it makes me wonder... He might of locked her in with the 3 kid factor.... Hmmm Those 2 are like 'before and after'... I dunno which one's which though.
Justin has done things for me, but it has all come at a HUGE cost.
Upon arriving to Australia, ask Justin what my first 'favour in return' was?... ...Yeah, guess I'm not a good mate for not helping him bash a poor defenseless dude.
I know everything. His backstabbing, infidelities & dodgy promoting I played along with, kept quiet about, and even defended half his crap. .
Quite simply.. enough is enough. I strongly discourage dealings with this guy. Unless you want the world to know your business, and don't mind standover tactics.
I don't need to live off internet forum warfare like some. . But if you want your 2cents there's 50...(I have a far greater ammo store, with all the juicy details if he wants to take it there) .. anyway I'm a bit too busy with work and my projects to play. I'll let him punch himself out on this one for a bit.. but no doubt Justin will find a new victim to target his insecurities on soon enough. He gets off on it.
Matt Te Paa 14-3 (that's right, actually been in the ring) }}} Justin's made it his mission to let everyone know behind my back, so here I shall confirm a few things.
Matt Te Paa's closet:: Yes I have mental issues. Yes I've been diagnosed with severe social anxiety disorder. Yes I tried to kill myself 4 years ago, even flatlined and shouldn't have made it. That's the worst dirt you'll ever have on me... Anything less I'm damn proud of!! (other than meeting Justin)
I came to Australia to further my fighting experience I was offered roof over my head while I setup, by some guy hated by everyone on the internet. I paid my way wherever I went, and whatever I did.
It's funny.. he shoves it in everyone's face how 'he got me to America', when I forked out every dollar & cent to get myself there, without mention of a sponsor.
I did eventually find a sponsor. When I went to meet him at his office with Justin. I was not allowed to speak. Anytime I was asked a question, Justin immediately jumped in and did all the talking. Upon returning from overseas, I suggested we go and see the sponsor, he said "no, later this week I'll bring you. You're probably tired from the flight". That didn't happen. At a fight show a few weeks later, I saw the sponsor sitting down, and immediately started walking over to him, Justin stopped me, and said "don't worry bout it now he knows you're here. You'll get a chance." That didn't happen.. It's fairly obvious that Justin thinks I'm too much of a caveman or whatever to talk to the rich businessman. So frankly I have no time for appeasing either of them.
I've fought nearly 40 professional fights. I have pulled out of less than a handful for genuine reasons, but it seems I've done it much more...why? I have been verbally forced by Justin to pull out of rival promoters shows at late notice MANY times. My name has been used in 'fake fights' (ones that make the card look good, but were never going to happen)and 'pulled out' at the last second. I know other fighters have been dealt the same.
I blame myself for allowing my name to get dragged down to the maggot infested crap where Justin Lawrence exists. It has really put a dampener on the fight game for me. I have stopped enjoying it over the last few years because of all the bullshit. I advise young up and coming fighters to choose your people wisely, and don't let them choose you. Be very careful of who you work with.
All the best from Matt and Mila Te Paa (see if I copy Justin and bring family into it... don't I look so dignified and PC?...dick)
-5 points for Justin's public use of my & his family. REAL class! Last post from me on this matter.... Justin lives for this guys.... (no doubt justins got another 5 pages haha!.. bitch) He'll be onto his next internet forum bout within the week..What a loser!
I was professional and kept quiet after our falling out, but Justin couldnt resist. If he wants to keep talking smack about me I have got WAY more dirt with every juicy detail, and I'll unleash quicker than he can say damage control.
get it while u can
in 5...4....3..2.....1........
I feel dirty now, and not in the good way...