Where the hell is Ben Earwood?

Maybe i'm just not keepin up with the game these days but can someone please tell me where has Ben Earwood been?

He had a lot of talent and it would be a shame for it to go to waste...unless he found a better profession of course...

you mean to tell me not ONE SINGLE person on here knows!???

From what I've heard,Ben had a serious back injury, which forced him to retire from mma.

BustamanteFan is correct. I saw him recently and he had moved on with his life, MMA does not seem to be a part of it anymore. It is really sad too, because Ben was extremely talented and was a VERY hard worker in the gym!

how did it happen?

Dude, in the old Raquet Ball Court you guys have no idea how a hard ass he was!!! This guy works his balls off!! much respect to Ben. I think about him from time to time.

does he still go to the gym just to be a part of it?

Just talk to him last week. He has gotten married and has a good job in sales for a Mill Company. His back injury is severe that he will need surgery. He opts to
deal with the pain vs the operation at this time. He said that when he visit the gym he wants to participate and since he can't he tries to stay away. He still talks with Pat and Monte from what I'm told. He was a tough kid. Best wishes to him and his wife.