Where you at Georges?

Inspired by 2J2M in another thread, a Where's Waldo inspired game for GSP's break.

He's still at home in Montreal for now. Where will his adventure go next?

Hopefully we can get some fun ones :)

Phone Post 3.0

No one eh?

How about Georges hitting up Marci gras?

Phone Post 3.0

Strip club would be my bet.

Not training for a fight, I'll tell you that!!!

I found him in the second picture, btw, about two inches from the bottom and 3 inches from the right margin.

Also, the guy in the first picture 3 inches from the bottom one inch from the right with a big gap right next to him is my hero.

Pic is too small on the app. :-( Phone Post 3.0

BKViper - Pic is too small on the app. :-( Phone Post 3.0
I am posting from the app myself and am sadly aware :(

It seems that a computer is necessary to find Georges. Phone Post 3.0