where's kampmann?

i haven't heard anything since he beat drew mcferdies (sp)?? anybody know whats up with him? PAV?

Props: TheMMADigest.com
“The injury is getting better. But slowly and still a long way to go. I’ve started boxing again, but still no grappling or wrestling yet. Don’t have full range of motion in the knee and still lacking muscle, but working on it in rehab. I hope I can return to fighting in the beginning […]

thanx oneroundbrown i didn't know he was suppose to fight rich franklin.that is a fight i wanna see.hope it happens in 08.

He was supposed to fight Franklin and hurt his knee. Okami was his replacement.

kampmann vs. leben for his return fight in feb. that would be a slugfest.leben has matured alot from the looks of his last fight with martin.