Which fighters have the cleanest diet?

Which MMA fighters have the cleanest diet? I know most high level fighters abstain from quite a bit of junk when they are training for a fight, but there are some MMA fighters who take clean living to a new level, and avoid things like caffeine, alcohol and anything that can be considered as "junk" all of the time.

I know Rich Franklin has stated that he's never had a drop of alcohol in his life.

Reem has a clean diet

Probably benson

Diaz bros
pure vegan diet

Mac Danzig is pretty strict with his I believe Phone Post

All the Dolce guys Phone Post

I remember Reading about Pablo popovitch's diet and it was insane. Phone Post

Sherk Phone Post

I hear Danzig is strict but eats like shit after weigh ins. Vegan still of course. Source: a decent podcast Phone Post

Gsp is super scientific with his diet. I imagine he has a group of scientist behind him like drago from rocky 3 (as if there was any other drago) Phone Post

Rambo John J - 

who the fuck would know such information?

and why?


We need more posts like this IMO.Too many members on here ask stupid questions,and questions that nobody can answer.


Actually, does anyone here know which fighters cut their fingernails most often? Phone Post

Luke Cummo

He was eating Kelp and Barley as a snack on TUF (err something like that) Phone Post

crowbar - 
Rambo John J - 

who the fuck would know such information?

and why?


We need more posts like this IMO.Too many members on here ask stupid questions,and questions that nobody can answer.


Because many fighters discuss their diet and lifestyle in interviews...