Which is better - The Onlyground or TMMAC?

Now that everyone is leaving… just checking in to see opinions on the 2 places people are going…

Onlyground or TMMAC?

Pros and Cons of either?

From what I have seen - both have some old school OGers…

This place was better until it was purchased by a bunch of commie lesbians


I have also started my own site, the “Shen Ground”.

I decided to put it behind a paywall to keep trash-free.

If people don’t have $300 to join my site, I don’t want them there.

(Membership # 2-10, currently available!)


The new OG looks like the OG OG. TMMAC looks and operates completely different. It seems like most of the new OG folks are there for that reason, myself included. Seems more active too. If you go for the titties, TMMAC gives free access, but ya gotta pay-to-play on the new OG. Its easy enough to find titties anywhere, so not much of a factor to me. Oh, and Top Men at both blow the Top Men here away.

I Understand Will Ferrell GIF by reactionseditor

TMMAC predates the modern Discourse version of the OG by more than half a decade, so, yes, different, of course.

OG is better bro

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By a landslide

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The OG hides everything behind a paywall, unfortunately.

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Im there and haven’t paid a dime