Which side do you block uppercut?

I was sparring the other day, and my sparring partner through an uppercut at me with his right hand. I blocked it with my left hand. (I've always blocked them with the same side hand)

So my partner stops and asks me why I block that way. He said he was taught to block uppercuts by crossing over... IE if I threw a right hand uppercut, he'd cross over to block with his right hand. Says he was taught that way, and read it in a book.

I've never been told different by any trainer or sparring partner before this, but another boxer (also originally from the same gym as this guy) said they were taught the same way.

Have I been doing shit wrong all these years? Is there some reason that it would be preferable to cross over to block? It seems to me that my way is more natural and crossing over would leave that side exposed to hooks.

At my age, I doubt I'd be able to change this habit now, but I am curious what you all do to block them.

for me i like to block the right uppercut with my right hand so i can counter with my left hook, and for the left uppercut same thing, but you could do it the other way to counter with your right , everyone is different, see which cone you like

I have always been taught that my left hand is for pushing the jab out and my right hand catches all punches. When I jab my right hand protects the front of my face from their jab if they slip and left hook its a small move to bring my right hand from the front of my face to the right side of my head. If they right hook my chin is in behind my left shoulder while i'm jabbing so its protected there and if they upercut (with either hand) my right hand moves a small distance to the bottom of my chin to protect it.
Thats the way i box and have been tought, hope it helps a little.

I have been taught both ways.

It depends how you want to counter.

In the end the main thing is you stop it from lifting you off the ground :)

For an opponent throwing a right uppercut, I would block it using my left keeping my right up expecting to block a follow-up left hook. Crossing over to block with a right while throwing a left hook would leave my right side (body and head) REALLY vulnerable to a left hook which you know would be following a right uppercut (even if you are trying to shoulder roll to block, that won't protect the liver)....
The best strategy would be to reaction punch. Keep the right up, block with the left, dip left and then throw the left hook. His left hook might get there a bit faster, but you'll block it and unless his technique is textbook, his right hand won't be back in time to block his chin so you can get a free hook in and hopefully take him out....

Keats, where is it you learned to fight that way?

Its interesting as ive heard a lot of Americans say similar things, while i was taught to block a completely different way.

I was taught to roll under hooks, block uppercuts with my elbows, jabs with my right and to knock down crosses with my left hand. It sounds more complicated, but seems a lot more intuitive to me.