Glad I don’t drink these days.
That’s a big bum
I’m not fapping, you’re fapping.
Shouldn’t of gone back for seconds
Accurate title OP
yeah, quality thread title. good work.
We’re all fapping
Dannng that uppercut. Blammmmm
Also that brotha shits like a horse lolllll
Ian Garry did ok
Jamal Hill was try en to halp
Fat guy should be arrested for drugs. He had 200lbs of crack showing.
Sound of his head cracking the pavement is brutal-guy could have died or serious brain damage!
I mean , I can work with it
He should start an Onlyfans and twerk
That chick that got her head bashed on the floor had frontal lobe damage. Weird when it was the back of her head getting slammed.
I am high as fuck right now, and that made me laugh for a long time.
That finishing upper-cut was like the video game Ring King from the original NES
What was he doing with his cheeks out like that?