Who here actually likes Laimon?

"You don't have to like him or respect him, his students succes speaks for itself."

lets give praise to his students, i know they put in the work and almost any coach could win with those guys

At least Eric Schambari isn't stinking up this thread as well as the one in the main forum...

FatBuddha: you need a holiday dude. Somewhere warm.

Im a huge Laimon fan in general, but Serra was dead on.

The fact that the crowd was booing toward the end of the match (Ryron-vs-Marc)...Says something...

I think the description from Hawk was and is accurate since he was there and he was the ref. of the match

"Yea, I was there. As brief as I can make this, Brian was at the Gracie Tournament and the rules were 30 minutes or 12 points whichever came first, but for the SuperFight (Ryron-Cameron Earle) it was 30 minutes and total points after that time. Marc thought it would be the former, Ryron thought it would be the latter. At that time the rules for a Superfight were different at the Gracie Tournament. As to the "tape", the tape of that fight was on different forums for awhile. The tape of the rules meeting has never been released that I know of.


Also lol at the pic from his web



Laimon needs to shut up and fight. Maybe that would teach him the humility he so sorely needs.

QUESTION: Why do you rarely see established MMA fighters that hate/brag/talk as much as he does?

ANSWER: Getting punched in the face on a regular basis and laying your ego on the line in a fight has a way of giving you a certain perspective and humility which he clearly lacks.

That, and the fact that my pet peeve is water bucket carrying know it alls that have never been tested but are quiet sure they know as much or more then than anyone else.

just getting punched in the face makes me shut up.....LOL

i thought was it a 20 min match then hawk

Never met him... don't know him.. Wont judge him.

I was there when they were arguing about the rules with Cimmins and they were disrespectful, rude, and acted like a bunch of stupid young punks. Very disappointing.

On a side note: I was a little surprised by how big the two oldest gracie kids were.

ewart: do you know who was taking video tape of the rules meeting? I would love to get a copy of this or the transcript to lay out what happened to everyone without all the interpretation from the different sides.

Marc has got to be the rudes asshole in jiu jitsu,his yelling at a mother with two kids next to her at GQ event,all his bullshit remarks at people and ref's are getting way out of control.Someone is going to hurt him very soon.

bjjlady: we need less assholes and more class in this sport, I agree.

"In particular I recently asked him about how he felt with Renzo, Royler, and Roger."

Not one of those three mentioned gives a flying shit what Laimon thinks of them... LOL... W...

FatBuddha, sorry I don't know who was taping it.

Laimon vs Rickson in a bitch-match*, please.

*loser wears a pink tu-tu for a day.