Who invented the BJJ slap hands-fist bump?

SoCal handshake since '96ish...Many of the original BJJ academy's became big in SoCal, I figure it might have started cuz the region...

 I like to fake it and then hit the armdrag

DanHendersonsAsymetricSmile - What the fuck, i've been saluting my brotatos like that all of my life, way before i started BJJ.
People bitching about it are beyond ridiculous, may need to clean that sand that's hurting their pussies.
This!!!! Phone Post

 Gracie Barra in Panama always did that.


Never done the slap to bro-fist. Always got by with just a slap.

The other night at the bar, some hipster dweeb started nattering at me about something or other. Turned out it was his b-day, so I say happy b-day and he stood there and kind of raised his hand bro-fist level. Now, I don't normally bro-fist dudes, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I figured wtf and bumped his fist. As soon as I did the dude got this horrified look on his face like I'd just kissed him and said "did you just fist bump me? I can't believe that just happened, wow, that can't have just happened" He proceeded to look around frantically to see if any of his buddies witnessed our intimate moment. I just lol'd and felt awkward.


BJJ? It came from catch wrestling!!!

dudefromisrael -  I doubt Maeda slap hand fist bumped.

Dude, Maeda was the worst! He had like a crazy gangster 12 move combo handshake. People would be tired before the match even started.

Canooke - 
dudefromisrael -  I doubt Maeda slap hand fist bumped.

Dude, Maeda was the worst! He had like a crazy gangster 12 move combo handshake. People would be tired before the match even started.


Dude on the left learned that from his grandfather who was a Maeda student, I believe. At least I think that's right.

Elias Cepeda - 
TeamRenzo - 
Elias Cepeda -  I did. You're welcome.

Stop lying! I am taking credit for this action.
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 HA! We should do a  "slap to fist bump"  contest.

It's on Elias...if that is even your real name

Canooke - 
dudefromisrael -  I doubt Maeda slap hand fist bumped.

Dude, Maeda was the worst! He had like a crazy gangster 12 move combo handshake. People would be tired before the match even started.

 Figures. Guys with nicknames.







Helio of coarse. But then carlson came up with a different version and distanced him self from the Gracie hand slap/fist bump renaming his version the Carlson Gracie hand slap fist bump. Totally different Phone Post

dunchurrn - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnF806b1dww#t=4m30s


whatever happened to the traditional 10th planet mushroom slap?

Disappointed nobody enjoyed my "terrorist fist jab" joke. Don't you remember that debacle?! ;)

Motivated Penn - Disappointed nobody enjoyed my "terrorist fist jab" joke. Don't you remember that debacle?! ;)

Bro, you're WAY too hard on yourself. That was a great joke. I think I got a phone call or something right as I was about to post some major "LOL"s.

It's a SoCal thing. Not a bjj thing

You can find videos of old Judo guys doing the same thing.

lol @ thinking it was invented by a bjj'er.