Who should Chris Lytle's new oppenent be???

Lytle is now in search of a new oppenent for the Aussie card. What ideas do you have for replacement? Anyone who will stand with lytle and slug has potenetial FOTN chances. A wrestler will try and just pull the lay and pray on him.

My suggestion bring in a banger that will throw for 15 mins. The man's name is Forrest "the MeatCleaver Petz" Hes won a good amount of fights since he left the UFC and will stand and strike. His last fight with burkman was a brawl. You thrown him in with lytle, i see a fight like davis vs lytle

UG suggestions go....

PS petz has a win over Hardy as well.. i dont think anyone else has maybe yoshida but that was a DQ of some sort

 Anthony Johnson?

I want the old Chris Lytle back. The one who threw nice boxing combinations and used his underrated BJJ.

Johny Hendricks or Carlos Condit


TheCorrect - I want the old Chris Lytle back. The one who threw nice boxing combinations and used his underrated BJJ.

 that Lytle wasnt taking home an extra $65k a clip everytime he fought

 Lytle/AJ would be a war

saunders or AJ

Brian Ebersole

I like Matt Brown or Swick...

 "A wrestler will try and just pull the lay and pray on him."

Good, then maybe we'd see Chris forced to use his groundgame, which is much better than  his standup imo.

LiMbTwIsTeR - 
TheCorrect - I want the old Chris Lytle back. The one who threw nice boxing combinations and used his underrated BJJ.

 that Lytle wasnt taking home an extra $65k a clip everytime he fought

True, and while I understand the reasons behind his new "fan friendly" style, I still prefer the version that didn't just wing overhand right after overhand right.

this is a big fight for Lytle. If he losses, he will tie Tank Abbott for most losses in UFC history at 10.

 I think Swick or AJ would be awesome. Lytle can win against tough competiton and Id like to see him move up the ladder a bit even if he gets taken down he could pull out a sub. He looked awesome in his last fight and has more heart than anyone else. Even if he loses he wont get cut Dana likes him and the only fights hes had that are boring were when Hughes and Serra blanketed him. Nicest dude in the world too.


Ben Saunders.


Guaranteed to stand in the center of the ring and bang.

 rematch since he was robbed


 IMO Lytle is the most underrated fighter at 170. Never been knocked out or submitted just gets robbed by the judges.

How about ben saunders