who would've thought! penn/lyoto

who do you think is going to win and how

who is the underdog in this match?

will lyoto knock penn out?

or will penn sub lyoto?

lyoto is no joke and can bang, while we all know what penn can do...but will fighting a guy over forty pounds heavier be too much for the prodigy?

they both train with the best, but experience goes to penn.

how is lyoto's sprawl? will he fend off penn's takedowns? will penn just stand and trade with lyoto?

that said, I am going with penn by sub

put your call down here and we'll see who calls it closest, who is "100% sure" and who is just plain wrong


takes another drink in anticipation

I like Penn too. As stated on another thread, I simply admire his guts in taking on a much larger opponent who is seriously skilled. I like fighters that are willing to take chances and test themselves.

Lyoto trains with some of the best wrestlers in the buisness Rico,Trigg. So I would have to say they prepared him well on take down defense.

Go BJ!

Lyoto just started training with the RAW guys or has been for a while?