Why 155?

The new TUF is suppose to be all 155ers. That division is stacked as it is, Why not work on hw I mean everyone knows that division is falling short. It just don't make sense to me to take the division with the most comp. and try to improve it. WTF?

I agree....Heavyweight division needs some re-vamping...

Maybe because there are more boring heavyweights than goo d heavies.

Yeah, the UFC needs to find some exciting heavyweight fighters...

UFC Heavy weight divsion is a joke.

I believe the premise is either 1/2 or all the fighters will be current UFC fighters.
heard the 1/2 rumor at mmaweekly and saw somewhere that Dana said it would be all current UFC lightweights.
Which would explain the tons of lightweights making first appearances on the cards recently...

every fight will be explosive, and technical.

155 always produces solid fights

Perhaps adding a Super Heavyweight division would be interesting? Maybe having a 16 man SHW show to help introduce the fans to the guys and help create the interest in that division. I'll agree the 155 division is stacked.

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