Why are you blaming Reebok?

How is this Reebok's fault? When the deal was announced, ZUFFA stated that all of the revenue was going to the fighters. Know, it's about 60% to the fighters, 40% to ZUFFA along with all of the sub-sponsor money.

So goodbye "sponsor tax" and hello Lion's share. Not to mention Air Force, Bud Light, Harley Davidson, etc that goes straight to the kitty.

If ZUFFA kept their word, the Reebok numbers would be nearly double. If that was the case, would nearly as many people be bitching?

Reebok paid a fair amount for the uniform rights. Why are we shitting on them because ZUFFA is taking a disproportionately large percentage. That greed rests solely on the UFC. Phone Post 3.0

Probably because if enough people hate on the sponsor, then Reebok might start having second thoughts about it.  And if the main sponsor isn't happy, Zuffa isn't happy. 

If everyone just bitched at Dana, he would basically smirk and tell us to go fuck ourselves.

Soup and Beer -

Probably because if enough people hate on the sponsor, then Reebok might start having second thoughts about it.  And if the main sponsor isn't happy, Zuffa isn't happy. 

If everyone just bitched at Dana, he would basically smirk and tell us to go fuck ourselves.

Pretty much this. You can yell at the banker all you won't but he won't even notice unless the money stops rolling in. Phone Post 3.0

Soup and Beer -

Probably because if enough people hate on the sponsor, then Reebok might start having second thoughts about it.  And if the main sponsor isn't happy, Zuffa isn't happy. 

If everyone just bitched at Dana, he would basically smirk and tell us to go fuck ourselves.

/thread Phone Post 3.0

OP is correct, this falls on UFC Phone Post 3.0

UFC are slum lords of mma.

I have never even heard of a casino guy who wasn't greedy as hell. Nor have I ever heard of a billionaire who wasn't greedy as hell.

Fertitta is a money junkie, just like all the other guys like him in the world. He's going to walk all over everybody that he can, and take all the money he can, until it becomes too expensive for him to do so.

They don't self correct, they need to be corrected by force. Otherwise, it will continue no matter what. Just like any other kind of junkie.

Brave move, OP. I expect to see you banished from this forum within the next 6 hours. It was nice having you though. Phone Post 3.0

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.

Don_Dada - 

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.


Then you clearly haven't been reading the UG.  Just search on the name 'Reebok' and you'll find dozens of threads trashing them.  Heck, one UFC fighter literally trashed his Reebok swag in protest of the deal.  The UG is full of misdirected anger.  Why is no one calling for boycotts of Harley Davidson?  Or Metro?  Or Monster?  They all have major sponsorship deals with the UFC and the fighters don't see a penny of that money.  At least the Reebok deal pays them something. 



The truth is, none of the UFC sponsors are to blame.  The UFC is to blame.  If they shared a portion of EVERY sponsorship deal with the fighters, things would look very different.  But the UFC only gives them a share of ONE sponsor and keeps every last dime from every other sponsor.  Why anyone blames Reebok for that is beyond me.

I started a similar thread, and it got one post.  But I bet if I posted 'Fuck Reebok,' I'd have over 100.  It's weird how people think this is a Reebok issue.  They used to give the NFL, the biggest sport by far in the USA $25M a year.  Now they give the UFC $11M a year, but they are apparently the bad guys.  I don't ever hear how Nike should step it up so NFL players can make more money.  No, the NFL, who they compete for, pays them.

Well stated OP, fast becoming one of my favourite posters here. VU Phone Post 3.0

Steve4192 -
Don_Dada - 

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.


Then you clearly haven't been reading the UG.  Just search on the name 'Reebok' and you'll find dozens of threads trashing them.  Heck, one UFC fighter literally trashed his Reebok swag in protest of the deal.  The UG is full of misdirected anger.  Why is no one calling for boycotts of Harley Davidson?  Or Metro?  Or Monster?  They all have major sponsorship deals with the UFC and the fighters don't see a penny of that money.  At least the Reebok deal pays them something. 



The truth is, none of the UFC sponsors are to blame.  The UFC is to blame.  If they shared a portion of EVERY sponsorship deal with the fighters, things would look very different.  But the UFC only gives them a share of ONE sponsor and keeps every last dime from every other sponsor.  Why anyone blames Reebok for that is beyond me.

Harley, Metro and Monster's sponsorships of the UFC don't inhibit the fighter's ability to make money. Reebok's sponsorship does. Phone Post 3.0

Steve4192 -
Don_Dada - 

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.


Then you clearly haven't been reading the UG.  Just search on the name 'Reebok' and you'll find dozens of threads trashing them.  Heck, one UFC fighter literally trashed his Reebok swag in protest of the deal.  The UG is full of misdirected anger.  Why is no one calling for boycotts of Harley Davidson?  Or Metro?  Or Monster?  They all have major sponsorship deals with the UFC and the fighters don't see a penny of that money.  At least the Reebok deal pays them something. 



The truth is, none of the UFC sponsors are to blame.  The UFC is to blame.  If they shared a portion of EVERY sponsorship deal with the fighters, things would look very different.  But the UFC only gives them a share of ONE sponsor and keeps every last dime from every other sponsor.  Why anyone blames Reebok for that is beyond me.

I've seen peoples shitting on Reebok but no one blaming them. Where I'm from Reebok are looked down upon, bargain bin clothes for people on a low income (which is sad). I think people are well aware this is Zuffas doing, they negotiated (lol) and accepted the deal. People just like to point out that the company they sold out for isn't exactly a company who's stuff you would even buy. No matter if it has Zuffas big ugly logos attached to them, in fact it just makes it even more of a deterrent. Phone Post 3.0

Death Star - 
Steve4192 -
Don_Dada - 

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.


Then you clearly haven't been reading the UG.  Just search on the name 'Reebok' and you'll find dozens of threads trashing them.  Heck, one UFC fighter literally trashed his Reebok swag in protest of the deal.  The UG is full of misdirected anger.  Why is no one calling for boycotts of Harley Davidson?  Or Metro?  Or Monster?  They all have major sponsorship deals with the UFC and the fighters don't see a penny of that money.  At least the Reebok deal pays them something. 



The truth is, none of the UFC sponsors are to blame.  The UFC is to blame.  If they shared a portion of EVERY sponsorship deal with the fighters, things would look very different.  But the UFC only gives them a share of ONE sponsor and keeps every last dime from every other sponsor.  Why anyone blames Reebok for that is beyond me.

Harley, Metro and Monster's sponsorships of the UFC don't inhibit the fighter's ability to make money. Reebok's sponsorship does. Phone Post 3.0

So Reebok forced their way into the sport and made it so the fighters cant make money?  They are paying $70M.  Should they pay $11M/year and be overshadowed on fight shorts by Condom Depot because they gave a fighter $15K?

Do you bitch that Tom Brady or NBA player don't make enough money and then blame it on Nike or Adidas?

RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
Death Star - 
Steve4192 -
Don_Dada - 

I haven't heard anyone blame Reebok. Zuffa are the ones culpable and people are well aware of that.


Then you clearly haven't been reading the UG.  Just search on the name 'Reebok' and you'll find dozens of threads trashing them.  Heck, one UFC fighter literally trashed his Reebok swag in protest of the deal.  The UG is full of misdirected anger.  Why is no one calling for boycotts of Harley Davidson?  Or Metro?  Or Monster?  They all have major sponsorship deals with the UFC and the fighters don't see a penny of that money.  At least the Reebok deal pays them something. 



The truth is, none of the UFC sponsors are to blame.  The UFC is to blame.  If they shared a portion of EVERY sponsorship deal with the fighters, things would look very different.  But the UFC only gives them a share of ONE sponsor and keeps every last dime from every other sponsor.  Why anyone blames Reebok for that is beyond me.

Harley, Metro and Monster's sponsorships of the UFC don't inhibit the fighter's ability to make money. Reebok's sponsorship does. Phone Post 3.0

So Reebok forced their way into the sport and made it so the fighters cant make money?  They are paying $70M.  Should they pay $11M/year and be overshadowed on fight shorts by Condom Depot because they gave a fighter $15K?

Do you bitch that Tom Brady or NBA player don't make enough money and then blame it on Nike or Adidas?

This type of deal doesn't happen in other professional sports because the participants are unionized and the they would never let that happen, or at least they would be able to ensure that they get a fair cut.

Could you imagine if NASCAR sold the rights to Chevy to be the exclusive car body for racing and disallowed any other sponsors on the vehicle? How long would those teams that rely on that outside money survive? Phone Post 3.0

Didn't he explicitly say they won't get 'a dime' off this deal?

Has it actually been confirmed as a 60/40 split?

What in the actual fuck if so...how low can you go? Phone Post 3.0

Steven McTowelie - Didn't he explicitly say they won't get 'a dime' off this deal?

Has it actually been confirmed as a 60/40 split?

What in the actual fuck if so...how low can you go? Phone Post 3.0
Dana and Lorenzo are proving to be the bottom of the barrel scum. Phone Post 3.0

@LorenzoFertitta Hey @Reebok what are you up to tonight?

Steven McTowelie - Didn't he explicitly say they won't get 'a dime' off this deal?

Has it actually been confirmed as a 60/40 split?

What in the actual fuck if so...how low can you go? Phone Post 3.0
This, is it confirmed they are getting 40%, because then why even say its all going to the fighters? Phone Post 3.0