Why did Herb ditch the mouthpiece?

When meathead dropped his mouthpiece, Herb Dean picked it up but let the action continue. Then when Roy floored meathead, Herb casually tossed it back on the mat. Why?

Mouth pieces are only offered back when there's a break in the action.

He had other things to do with his hands besides hold a mouthpiece (like stop the fight).

it was over, don't want to take any unnecessary damage in a HW fight.

So you're telling me I'm not gonna start mouthpiece gate.

Damn it.

Prob so there was no confusion by anyone wether he was pausing to replace to mouth piece or stopping the fight. That may sound ridiculous but I'm certain someone would cry. Phone Post

youarewhatiswrong - So you're telling me I'm not gonna start mouthpiece gate.

Damn it.

It was a good try. Phone Post

yea I dunno wtf herb was thinking there. More than a couple times popped up to stop action hand him his mouth piece. C'mon Herb, step up your game! Phone Post

I really thought there were a couple of opportunities for Meathead to get his mouthpiece back too.  It was well over a minute he didn't have it in.

At one point he actually did start stepping in to break the action, but Roy pushed forward with punches I believe. I think Roy was smart to keep going and not allow any lulls in the action, because the break would have given Mitrione time to reset and get back at range. Phone Post

Seems to me that Mitrione was throwing jabs to try to create some space so he could get his mouthpiece back, but I could be wrong.. Phone Post

growup - Prob so there was no confusion by anyone wether he was pausing to replace to mouth piece or stopping the fight. That may sound ridiculous but I'm certain someone would cry. Phone Post

Never thought of this, but seems legit Phone Post

jiujitsu111 - yea I dunno wtf herb was thinking there. More than a couple times popped up to stop action hand him his mouth piece. C'mon Herb, step up your game! Phone Post

This is how I saw it I thought their was at least 3 time Herb could have separated them and gave Matt his mouthpiece back
It might have helped
Matt take and absorb the shots better Phone Post

Herb is sponsored by a dentists

Letibleu - Herb is sponsored by a dentists

LOL Phone Post

He should have broken them up so Mitrione could get his mouthpiece. Then let Big Country continue Phone Post

KZTT_CodyLarge - 

Did no one notice it came out again at the end? It was on the floor when he got knocked out, seems like he may have been ditching it, maybe herb saw this and didnt want to reward the dirty tactic Phone Post

You're mistaken, Meathead never got the mouthpiece back in his mouth, Herb had it in his hand the whole time, then when Mitrione got dropped Herb tossed the mouthpiece on the ground.

Meathead should've asked for it from Herb. I'm sure Herb would've stopped it for a couple of seconds to give it to him.

growup - 

Prob so there was no confusion by anyone wether he was pausing to replace to mouth piece or stopping the fight. That may sound ridiculous but I'm certain someone would cry. Phone Post

I think you might be right. It sounds like something he(Herb) would do.

So glad herb didn't stop them to put the mouthpiece in. They were both in the pocket the whole time throwing awesome exchanges. A dumber ref would not have recognized. Phone Post