Why did the Japanese guy disrespect Floyd Mayweather?

Typically Japanese are very respectful people.

It is tradition that before a fight, a presenter presents the combatants with a bouquet of flowers, as a sign of respect.

Well for the Floyd exhibition yesterday, the presenter threw the flowers at Floyd’s feet in an obvious intended disrespectful manner. I have never seen this in Japan prior.

Why did he do this? What is the backstory?

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Maybe he’s just having a bad day

He was ah so.

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Japan is asshoe


Was this after the bodyguard shoved someone? Maybe they see Floyd as the reason that happened since he amps shit up while surrounded by big dudes?

Yes his bodyguard Floyds that is, pushed the guy cause he took a step closer to Floyd. I’d of smacked that fat bloated pos bodyguard with them flowers and then headkicked his ass into Bolivia.

I heard he presented Floyd with a bottle of whisky too.


Fellow forum member rainbow pants

i posted this in another thread, didn’t see this one, is a very important post :o)

wow fuck in hell Floyd did well to avoid getting riled up by that.

most humans, when ready for a fight, would throw the flowers as disrespectfully as possible, threaten the cunt that threw them on the floor and attack their opponent as if it were their fault. thats what I’d do.

Floyd is smart (in that way)