Why did Will Chope get cut day of his fight?

Can someone explain why the UFC would cut Will Chope the day of his fight? That either doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me or Chope fucked up bad. Phone Post 3.0

Wow didn't see that. Looks like something about domestic violence and being discharged from the Air Force Phone Post 3.0

That's so stupid though! They've let numerous ppl fight in the organization knowing full well that they have criminal history similar to his. But this guy gets in trouble 5 years ago and has already fought for them and is there in another country and has already made the cut and weight and them you tell him only hours before his fight you canceled it and he gets nothing for his hard work? Really UFC! That's messed up. Yeah the guy made a mistake and he paid for it and learned from it.. All involved have moved on why wouldn't you? Phone Post 3.0

And they said it was a domestic violence incident from 2009, which caused him to be discharged from the Air Force and spend 6 months in solitary confinment Phone Post 3.0

They do seem to be big on codes of conduct among the fighters, and apparently, the Air Force has let it become known that that wasn't his only offense. I think a big part simply has to do with image. Fighters have enough people thinking their savages without letting someone with that crap in, and it got him booted from the Air Force, and the UFC is very proud of their relationship with the armed forces Phone Post 3.0

Damn. I wanted to see Brandao fight. Phone Post 3.0

sssfRyan - They do seem to be big on codes of conduct among the fighters, and apparently, the Air Force has let it become known that that wasn't his only offense. I think a big part simply has to do with image. Fighters have enough people thinking their savages without letting someone with that crap in, and it got him booted from the Air Force, and the UFC is very proud of their relationship with the armed forces Phone Post 3.0
Apparently Abel Trujillo has multiple domestic battery cases as well. He's still in the UFC. Is it because this guy had enough courage and honor to serve our country that makes this such a big deal? As I said there are plenty of fighters in the UFC with similar cases and history Phone Post 3.0

This was almost definitely Fox's call. Someone over at fox sports caught wind of his past and made the call to Dana to pull the fight.

Its doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that having someone who repeatedly beat his wife represent a sport that already has image issues is a bad idea.

If mma was already an established sport with a long history stuff like that could fly under the radar. As of now the sport is under the microscope and we can't afford the negative press.

boulder40 -
sssfRyan - They do seem to be big on codes of conduct among the fighters, and apparently, the Air Force has let it become known that that wasn't his only offense. I think a big part simply has to do with image. Fighters have enough people thinking their savages without letting someone with that crap in, and it got him booted from the Air Force, and the UFC is very proud of their relationship with the armed forces Phone Post 3.0
Apparently Abel Trujillo has multiple domestic battery cases as well. He's still in the UFC. Is it because this guy had enough courage and honor to serve our country that makes this such a big deal? As I said there are plenty of fighters in the UFC with similar cases and history Phone Post 3.0
What's the deal with Trujillo? Heard his name on a few posts but no details Phone Post 3.0

boulder40 - That's so stupid though! They've let numerous ppl fight in the organization knowing full well that they have criminal history similar to his. But this guy gets in trouble 5 years ago and has already fought for them and is there in another country and has already made the cut and weight and them you tell him only hours before his fight you canceled it and he gets nothing for his hard work? Really UFC! That's messed up. Yeah the guy made a mistake and he paid for it and learned from it.. All involved have moved on why wouldn't you? Phone Post 3.0

They associate themselves with upstanding citizens like the average NFL player that goes to the game, Mike tyson, one of the most wholesome individuals of all time who has been convicted of rape, and of course dwight howard who children with 8 different women.

He's plead guilty on 2 different occasions to domestic violence. The victim was his child's mother, both times. Phone Post 3.0

boulder40 -
sssfRyan - They do seem to be big on codes of conduct among the fighters, and apparently, the Air Force has let it become known that that wasn't his only offense. I think a big part simply has to do with image. Fighters have enough people thinking their savages without letting someone with that crap in, and it got him booted from the Air Force, and the UFC is very proud of their relationship with the armed forces Phone Post 3.0
Apparently Abel Trujillo has multiple domestic battery cases as well. He's still in the UFC. Is it because this guy had enough courage and honor to serve our country that makes this such a big deal? As I said there are plenty of fighters in the UFC with similar cases and history Phone Post 3.0
That's a valid point. I like that the UFC expects good behavior from its fighters, but they need to be consistent, which they really aren't with most of their policies Phone Post 3.0

Shoulda atleast let him get his ass beat before getting rid of him... and his opponent is out of a fight too





I can only imagine that if someone was given a military court conviction for assaulting his wife and then given a dishonorable discharge how badly and repeatedly he fucked her up. This isn't about a charge, this is about a conviction. As for why just now the UFC is finding out about it, perhaps it was a disclosure issue in the contract. 

As of know, who knows? But some of the above posts were beyond dumb and insensitive. 

Coming from a relationship where I was abused by an ex girlfriend I definitely am not being insensitive, I do however feel that he has served his time and punishment and all parties involved have put it past them. So why does the UFC care now is my point. Those involved had gotten away from this now their kid(or kids?) older and prolly doesn't know about this but will now and they will have to explain that to her. I don't believe domestic abuse is right in any form but he has not had an incident since and hasn't since being in the UFC. And also isn't arianny Celeste still with the UFC? Didn't she beat the shit outta her fb after a UFC event in the UFC paid for hotel? I know she isn't a fighter but why is she still around? Other than being fucking hot Phone Post 3.0