Someone should tell all pro boxers to stop hitting heavybags hard.
I agree with hitting the bag the same way you would hit your opponent. I only hit the bag for 5 - 15 minutes at a time. I've been hitting the heavy bag since I was a teen, I'm 29 now and I've never had any related injuries.
"Someone should tell all pro boxers to stop hitting heavybags hard."
Im not pretending to know it all.
Stating things I have learned over the years.
I have been in boxing gyms since I was 5. Never once heard a trainer say it was ok to go hard on a bag for 10 rounds of 3 minutes as part of training.
Bag should be end of punch contact... no pushing and the contach should move the bag enough for you to use your feet to move it. SMall bursts of harder combos just for wind sake but nothing more than that.
I boxed for more than a decade and your opinion on the purpose of a heavybag differs from every trainer that I have ever met. I guess that I better tell Miguel Diaz that you said that he is wrong. If only he would have known sooner, perhaps he could taught Larry Holmes, Diego Corrales and Eric Morales proper punching technique.
lol... lifeaftrprison. Great contribution to society.
LOL @ you people trying to start an arguement.
Im giving actual reasons to not hit it hard.
Give me reasons you need to... thats all Im afer.
reasons you need to hit hard? in boxing or fighting? does anyone actually need to address this, or have you already figured it out?
I relayed what I was taught... people are telling me that the advice I have been given for a long time is wrong.
Looking for other points of view... not trolls.
Used the heavy bag to work on my range, and my pop. Like the bag moving a lot also as it helps my movement and angles. But, I do find that it is the best place to work on generating power, I really focus on my hip turn, my balance and my speed, which all makes power. How else do you work on power?
Life --- You seem to be a clever guy on top of things... so witty... so funny...
I been boxing for about 8 months now. The coach at my gym told me the same thing. I was hitting the bag hard and he came up to me and said and demonstrated how i should hit the bag. Basically Just pop my shots out there make contact with the bag and bring it back. If u want to hit hard combos wait for the final 30 sec buzzer of round and u can work it hard.
Thanks for an honest answer.
THis forum is being ruined by idiots =/
Im meaning punching THROUGH the bag. Not hitting it hard. At the end of a punch with contact and full extension it will be loud... the follow thru is the part that will hurt you.
You guys need to read better.
the line is getting thin...
I seen George Foreman work the heavy bag at Newman's gym in san francisco. They had a very large and heavy bag especially for him, it weighed about 300 pounds. He moved that bag like a regular boxer would move a 80 lb bag.
I can see what your saying with the punching thing,but kicking through bags is what i do!
that's cause the way his hamburger grill is made; see.. all of the fat drips right out into the little plastic fat/grease-catcher thingy just below the grill.
I love it when people say "Well I've been doing it this way for thirty years so I must be right" or, at least, "so I can't be wrong".
My favourite example is when I teach people to tie their shoe laces correctly they always get irritated or bolshie and say "NoOOOOoo. I tie my laces just fine." Or "there's no difference, asshole!" But, of course, I'm right and they're wrong and I have laces to prove it. And what do they have? Oh nothing but decades and decades of experience.
Mouth--very interesting advice. You made me stop and think cuz I've been hitting the bag for about ten years and lately my left shoulder is killin me. I think that punching through the bag is okay for straight punches but for hooks its not necessary to always go for that KO punch. for hooks it's my abs doing the work but you're right my rotator cuff takes all the force. I'm still going to hit the bag hard, but I'm going to keep what you said in mind and alter my training a little. Thanks for a great post.