why does is sound like this guy gobbles d1cks?

slaughtered teh classic.

keola would be turning in his grave if he were dead.


supposed to sound like this you faggot

He's a douchebag. I remember working the bar and he would come in and play. 16-17 yrs old real squirly and went byhis real name Matt Swalankevich.
All of a sudden he drinks alcohol,grows his hair out and now he's "Makana"..bleh

he did the biggest no no of all. he GAVE HIMSELF that hawaiian name and then lies to say it was given to him.

i think it has something to do w/ dick gobbling.

well makana does mean "da gift"

well not bad enough for him to off himself

i have my fingers crossed.

 He was cocky even as a kid. thought he was going to nashville to wow everyone w/his skills. hahaha ya...NO.

slack key wasn't good enough for him.

said he was "evolving the music".


he needs a good solid suicide.

you know, the kind where he has a gun w/ one bullet taped to his head and hand as he jumps off the hyatt regency.

lol...first concert i ever promoted was for Makana (aka Matt Swalinkavich) at Hawaii Theater.

if you dont like him, you'd hate his circa 1996 posse. buncha weirdo burnout hippie types. and his girlfriend-manager was this hot milf who was prolly 10 years his senior.

last time i heard from Makana he was living comfortably off a federal grant, paid to him because of his ki ho'alu talents. maybe if the republicans can cut art funding he will actually have to turn to d1ck gobbling to make a living.

also, the song Mr. Sun Cho Lee is terrible, no matter who is performing it. an awful, awful tune.

horrible, makana is of the ultradouche variety

ms momi lomi lomi disagrees w/ your statement freitas san

PatrickFreitas - lol...first concert i ever promoted was for Makana (aka Matt Swalinkavich) at Hawaii Theater.

if you dont like him, you'd hate his circa 1996 posse. buncha weirdo burnout hippie types. and his girlfriend-manager was this hot milf who was prolly 10 years his senior.

last time i heard from Makana he was living comfortably off a federal grant, paid to him because of his ki ho'alu talents. maybe if the republicans can cut art funding he will actually have to turn to d1ck gobbling to make a living.

if true that's messed up.  A legend in his own mind no more. now the govt is enabling his narcism! we're so doomed.