Why does r/mma love WMMA so much?

Dude, those white knights are something else. I'll take our trolls (you know who you are) over those fragile weirdos any day. 


Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.

oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.

You just strung together a bunch of new, buzzword insults. I have no idea what you are trying to say. 

1 Like
oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.


Hespect Whamen

John Crowley -
oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.

You just strung together a bunch of new, buzzword insults. I have no idea what you are trying to say. 

I believe he's trying to say that reddit is full of slack jawed faggots.

John Crowley -
oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.

You just strung together a bunch of new, buzzword insults. I have no idea what you are trying to say. 

There's a good chance you are a white knight cuck soy boy.

Nothing says "I don't mind if you fuck my girlfriend" like posting on Reddit.


I don't think they love it, they're just not dicks about it like people on here

Pro wrestling fans are even worse nowadays with the girl pro wrestlers. 

John Crowley -
oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.

You just strung together a bunch of new, buzzword insults. I have no idea what you are trying to say. 

Which of those words is beyond your abilities? I'm sure we can find someone with a third grade education or above to help you out.

oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.


oranos -

Because its fucking reddit dude. bunch of white knight cuck soy boys with inflamed estrogen receptors.


I'd still rather argue with you trolls and mongoloids than those fragile boys. 

Reddit abs bloody elbow are filled with a bunch of homosexuals and libtards. Nothing against either but they are retards

I guarantee you, the UG/OG trolls still respect WMMA more than r/mma does. They just think because it's women you are supposed to worship everything they do. UG calls it the way it is. Nobody here talks shit on Shevchenko cause she's really a great fighter.

1 Like
ProteinOverdrive -

I guarantee you, the UG/OG trolls still respect WMMA more than r/mma does. They just think because it's women you are supposed to worship everything they do. UG calls it the way it is. Nobody here talks shit on Shevchenko cause she's really a great fighter.

UG shits on all WMMA besides nunes and Shev. sometimes they even shit on Nunes. Reddit MMA has better content in regards to news. I just hate the comment section, confusing as hell. UG is basically complete cancer however I am still here way more. I like trolls I guess.

I like women's WMMA at the higher levels where there is actual talent. So no beef with Reddit on that issue.

That being said, those Reddit subs become very hive minded. Reddit is by far the most limp wristed pussy place I have ever posted or browsed. 

Even in more supposed "manly" subs like guns, fitness, BJJ, MMA. It seems to be infested with a bunch of fruit loops.

knappster -
ProteinOverdrive -

I guarantee you, the UG/OG trolls still respect WMMA more than r/mma does. They just think because it's women you are supposed to worship everything they do. UG calls it the way it is. Nobody here talks shit on Shevchenko cause she's really a great fighter.

UG shits on all WMMA besides nunes and Shev. sometimes they even shit on Nunes. Reddit MMA has better content in regards to news. I just hate the comment section, confusing as hell. UG is basically complete cancer however I am still here way more. I like trolls I guess.

UG just tells the truth about WMMA and does not sugar coat it. WMMA as a whole is at a very, very low level, it's just not interesting.