Why has Brandao not been cut?

If any if us threatened to stab someone in our workplace, we'd get fired 100% and probably be reported to the authorities.

Why has this guy not been cut? It doesn't sound like he was playing around or trash talking, he just sounds slightly psychotic Phone Post 3.0

I wouldn't want to be the guy to deliver the news that he's fired would you?? Phone Post 3.0

When Dana was asked about Brandao (re: the car crash) he said that Brandao had some issues he had to work out and decide if he still wants to a (fucking) fighter.

^edit didn't mention cutting him at all.

this is cage fighting brah... when you're cutting weight and 24 hours away from being locked in a cage with another man who's looking to do bodily harm to you the dna in your body recalls a time from your ancestors when men were actually men and not the pussified and neutered version we see today...  at that moment shit gets real.

100 years ago nobody was committing suicide because they were made fun of in school...people got stabbed in the neck.  That's shit was taken care of.

We dont need a fucking nanny state... Nature has already taken care of it by balancing the douche bags like mayhem miller with guys like nick diaz.  The same way nature created lizards to eat and control the mosquitos, nature created guys like Nick Diaz to eat and spit out the douche bags like mayhem miller. 

We're fucking up the circle of life by trying to neuture and pussify guys like Nick Diaz... Mufassa told us this would happen.  the fucken hyenas have taken over and neutered the lions.























KING Stannis Baratheon -
Cameron0000 - I wouldn't want to be the guy to deliver the news that he's fired would you?? Phone Post 3.0
Let's Travis Browne do it. Phone Post 3.0
I'm sure they could also let Dustin tell him Phone Post 3.0

Mir or Brock told the other they were going to kill them

And that was on video Phone Post 3.0

TUF winners always get another shot as it doesn't look good if they get cut within a year or 2 of winning.

bearockbrobama - Mir or Brock told the other they were going to kill them

And that was on video Phone Post 3.0
And Mir lost a commentating position because of it. Phone Post 3.0

GriffinQ - 
bearockbrobama - Mir or Brock told the other they were going to kill them

And that was on video Phone Post 3.0
And Mir lost a commentating position because of it. Phone Post 3.0

is this true. I actually kind of liked Mir when he commentated.

4-2 in the UFC, dominated tuf, pretty exciting fighter who has a lot of heart. Loved the way he came out blasting at Poirier, could have definitely KO'd him if he had of gotten a little lucky. Obv thats not what makes a guy elite, but anyone is in a bit of danger, no matter how good they are, when they fight a guy like Diego.

Billyz -
GriffinQ - 
bearockbrobama - Mir or Brock told the other they were going to kill them

And that was on video Phone Post 3.0
And Mir lost a commentating position because of it. Phone Post 3.0

is this true. I actually kind of liked Mir when he commentated.
This didnt realise there was a direct link, source? Phone Post 3.0


this is cage fighting brah... when you're cutting weight and 24 hours away from being locked in a cage with another man who's looking to do bodily harm to you the dna in your body recalls a time from your ancestors when men were actually men and not the pussified and neutered version we see today...  at that moment shit gets real.

100 years ago nobody was committing suicide because they were made fun of in school...people got stabbed in the neck.  That's shit was taken care of.

We dont need a fucking nanny state... Nature has already taken care of it by balancing the douche bags like mayhem miller with guys like nick diaz.  The same way nature created lizards to eat and control the mosquitos, nature created guys like Nick Diaz to eat and spit out the douche bags like mayhem miller. 

We're fucking up the circle of life by trying to neuture and pussify guys like Nick Diaz... Mufassa told us this would happen.  the fucken hyenas have taken over and neutered the lions.























Buncha sissies Phone Post 3.0

Billyz -
GriffinQ - 
bearockbrobama - Mir or Brock told the other they were going to kill them

And that was on video Phone Post 3.0
And Mir lost a commentating position because of it. Phone Post 3.0

is this true. I actually kind of liked Mir when he commentated.
If Mir loses again in devastating fashion, I say he retires and becomes a commentator for the UFC. Brian Stan also did a great job in Singapore. Phone Post 3.0

I thought the same thing.. i guess only when it happens on Twitter does anyone get cut Phone Post 3.0


this is cage fighting brah... when you're cutting weight and 24 hours away from being locked in a cage with another man who's looking to do bodily harm to you the dna in your body recalls a time from your ancestors when men were actually men and not the pussified and neutered version we see today...  at that moment shit gets real.

100 years ago nobody was committing suicide because they were made fun of in school...people got stabbed in the neck.  That's shit was taken care of.

We dont need a fucking nanny state... Nature has already taken care of it by balancing the douche bags like mayhem miller with guys like nick diaz.  The same way nature created lizards to eat and control the mosquitos, nature created guys like Nick Diaz to eat and spit out the douche bags like mayhem miller. 

We're fucking up the circle of life by trying to neuture and pussify guys like Nick Diaz... Mufassa told us this would happen.  the fucken hyenas have taken over and neutered the lions.























People definitely committed suicide 100 years ago. And he failed to cut weight. Phone Post 3.0

dana loves crazy guys like him

TUF winner and I think he was on a 3 fight win streak before losing to Poirier. Diego is a crazy motherfucker, but something else was obviously going on with him because he missed weight. Just didn't seem like himself as Dana stated. I think he'll get a bounce back fight once he gets his shit together. Dude came out and fought a tough guy like Dustin and almost pulled it off. Cut him for missing weight maybe, but not for losing to Dustin. Phone Post 3.0

Yeh...a Brazilian born in a Favela threatens to stab someone with a pen... News Flash people, they dont even have pens in Favelas... Phone Post

KING Stannis Baratheon -
Cameron0000 - I wouldn't want to be the guy to deliver the news that he's fired would you?? Phone Post 3.0
Let's Travis Browne do it. Phone Post 3.0
That's what chuck does Phone Post 3.0