Why is Marc Laimen in UFC?

What's with this guy? He's never fought pro, yet he's one of the people Zuffa chose to be the BJJ coach for TUF.

Besides being a horrible cornerman/coach, he really doesn't bring anything to the UFC, apparently.

The only explanation is that Marc Laimen will work for peanuts, so he fits good into Zuffa's budget-cutting agenda.


It must be Laimon's great charisma and stunning good looks.

Ummm...the boxing coach and kickboxing coach never fought MMA either. Who cares? Marc is a grappling wizard and a phenomenal coach. He's very well respected in the MMA and Grappling community and he seems like a good guy as well.

Just wondering who would you choose that as qualified or more than Marc Laimon

Dean Lister

Jean Jacques Machado

Eddie Bravo

Carlson Gracie

Renzo Gracie

Bas Rutten

Jeremy Horn

Marc is a very talented grappler who has beaten the current ADCC champ, Dean Lister, and on top of that he's a very nice guy as well.

i figured it was the fact that he was in Vegas so it was easy for him to commute to the TUF training facility

Maybe because he trains good fighters like Miller, eh dumbass? Must be a horrible coach to train UFC calibre fighters, and beat UFC calibre fighters in grappling matches.

doubtful Zuffa could get most of those guys, Machado would be the best choice for me though

Laimon is GREAT AT BJJ!

"Marc is a grappling wizard and a phenomenal coach"

I stopped reading after that.

1)He is a good grappler
2)He lives right there in Vegas already
3) he already seems to have an "in" with the UFC.(The technique demos,# of guys getting into UFC.)

Btw if they asked Horn and he declined, then that wasnt a good career move.From the facial exposure from the show he would be a shoe in to get back in the UFC.

I would love to train with Laimon. I've had friends train at his school and they've told me he is as good a trainer as anyone out there.

If my shoulder ever heals, I'm going out there to beat up on useless.

Yayee Yay!

Tard strength!


I don't disagree that you don't have to have fought MMA to be agood coach but I will say Mr. Knee from TUF season 1 the Ganyao form Fairtex no's his stuff. Marc Laimon is a very well no grappler. Please stop with the he is a nice guy stuff. That shouldn't even factor into the equation. It should be purely about Business.